Random Unlit Earth Supporter

What to fix when we take over
After our Communist Allied Radio Station

Legalize marijuana and other drugs.

Eliminate the corporate Tax. There's an INTERNATIONAL market. Our businesses need to compete with the world.

Remove the law that forbids businesses to fire striking workers

Transition the entire government to an equal partnership system, with voting like our Communist Allied Radio Station where we all vote online all the time and all votes are verified by a paper send of our votes. We upload a scanned copy of our vote verification with a random number and scawl on it and MAIL that same paper by postal mail. At CENTRAL, within SHIELDED computer systems, segmented from the internet, we verify the two pieces of paper MATCH!!!

Raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour. You remember how this works. If ALL businesses are forced to raise their prices to pay their workers more money, the inflated prices pays for poor people finally earning a living wage.

Remove ALL Tariffs. There should be NO unfair advantage for local businesses selling their inferior product.

Create a system for ALL agencies to nominate their BEST to the top. Some people STAND out to ALL fellow employees. These are TOP notch people and we all KNOW that and RESPECT them. We want an FBI Director who COMES from the FBI and has TONS of Experience at the FBI managing the FBI for example, not someone who's CONNECTED to whoever happens to WIN.

Replace ALL Democrats with better Democrats, JUST for Impeachment.

Transfer ALL aid to Israel to OUR English speaking team for the region. Basically we become Israeli defense but we're SANE with a straight ENGLISH speaking command all the way up to all the BEST tools of our military. Then we go in and map out all the rockets of Hamas and Hezbollah. It's a POLICE matter at this point with a warning. You either DISMANTLE or we BOMB these rockets. It's VERY heavy police. Only as an ABSOLUTE LAST resort to we bomb. And if we're BOMBING, this is WELL after we warned the entire population of where we are going to bomb so people can evacuate. It's a simple move for Israel. They want us. So OUR people take up positions Inside Israel. OUR people become Israeli defense rather than an AID dump to Israel.

Transfer Medicaid funding from a system managed by the states to a system managed by the Federal Government for economies of scale. If Medicare is similarly managed, transfer that as well. If the numbers make sense, meaning we have enough patients to meet demand, turn this system into a Federal hospital system. 



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