Random Unlit Earth Supporter

Saturday, February 24, 2024

Labor Force Participation: 62.5%

Joe Biden's Approval: 39.4% ↓
Biden: 42.8% ↑   Trump: 44.8% ↓

Communist Allied Radio Station Build

We'll transition to a system where your land is your country. Police, roads, schools, FBI, the military and all other government groups will all be transitioned to equal partnerships using online software. The same software will become an equal partnership business create tool. Global equal partnerships then drive all the large businesses out of business. ONE global car company for example. Lots of GLOBAL intelligence internal to this car company. And WE own this thing!!! As equals. 

Radio Station / Film Studio:

$10/ per year. You must be politically aligned LEFT! Democrats, Socialists, Communists. You must be aligned with THIS group. This radio station equal partnership will play SMALL bands of the world. All music will be available for download for FREE. Supported by ONE very short brand spot of a few seconds that plays periodically through the day, so the entire city learns ONE BRAND and doesn't change the channel. Something like 3 seconds, then back to music!!! Become an equal partner of this radio station / film studio at $10 a year. (Democrat, Socialist, Labor, Green, Communist allied)

Join this equal partnership at $10 a year if you're Socialist/Communist allied. We need a tight crew. We'll transition the world with this.


Best of Reddit
Right click: "search image with Google" for TOP images

Does this come with a cool car or do I have to look at my 2005 Corolla while I’m in bed?

[OC] Golubac fortress, Serbia

Berlin’s heat map on a summer day

Liminal Brutalism

Google Image Search: tazacorte harbour wall

12x16 Off Grid Cabin

of a animal structure

A huge Orca hunting a Great White shark

Look at this beauty!

Swinging in The Conference Room...

US Air Force deploys B-1B bombers to Sweden

Just found out there is images of the 9/11 attacks taken by satelites

POV of world’s highest swing

This sunshine is amazing

Black Beauty

Halted Kingdom Tower in Saudi Arabia 2024 should have been the tallest building in the world by 2018

"The development halt stemmed from labor problems with a contractor following the 2017–2019 Saudi Arabian purge." [source]

The Saudi Arabian government robbed $800 billion from their people. This is a LITERAL robbery:

"The detainees were confined at the Ritz-Carlton hotel in Riyadh (which had hosted the announcement for the planned city of Neom on 24 October 2017), which subsequently stopped accepting new bookings and told guests to leave. Private jets were also grounded to prevent suspects from fleeing the country.

As many as 500 people were rounded up in the sweep. Saudi Arabian banks froze more than 2,000 domestic accounts as part of the crackdown. According to The Wall Street Journal, the Saudi government targeted cash and assets worth up to $800 billion. [source]

The United States sells Saudi Arabia MASSIVE weapons all the time. [source

 A cold and wonderful hike in the Arctic.

Tiny church in New York

"The church, erected in 1989, is notable for its small size, measuring just four feet three inches (1.29 metres) by six feet nine inches (2.06 metres) and has been called "The Smallest Church in the World" [source]

Colossuem, Rome

"..the largest ancient amphitheatre ever built, and is still the largest standing amphitheatre in the world, despite its age." [source]

The Great Tokyo Snowstorm of 2024

a dark and yet quiet place


Science Fiction 

futuristic, detailed, science fiction, Kuldar Leement, Balrog, HD Wallpaper



Velomobiles / Electric Bikes 
The future: elevated, air conditioned electric bike tunnels along the most congested roads.

Le Forum du Vélorizontal, vélo couché et HPV


39% of the U.S. Population Can't Afford $400 
The less money you have, the more likely you are to be a Democrat. [source]

"In 2022, the average public school teacher salary was $66,39...." [source]


The Wealthy: People Who Control The World 
The more money you have, the more likely you are to be a Republican. [source]

The Fall Guy: Trailer

Emily Blunt's total wealth, $80 million



Good To Know

47% of Americans 'Agree With Ban On Slaughterhouses'
5% of Americans are vegetarian. 3% are vegan.
175 Mexican politicians were purged by murder between September 2017 and August 2018.
68% of the 101 political candidates killed during the 2020-2021 cycle were from the LEFT.

 70% of Americans Want Marijuana Legal Updates
87% of Democrats favor legalization. 55% of Republicans support legalization.
One study found 51% of 139 homeless lacked basic English writing skills.

6% of scientists are Republican

64% of American's approve of labor unions.

82% of Democrats approve of labor unions. 45% of Republicans approve of labor unions.

62% of Americans in favor of raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour.
Over 40% of workers make $15 and less. $15 is just a bit more than the minimum wage's high point of $14.39 in 1968, if you account for inflation. [source 1] [source 2

39% of Americans don't have $400 available to spend.
The wealthiest 20% own 80% of all assets.

38% have a favorable view of socialism

One acre of land can make about 387 times more potatoes than cow murder. [source]

Members of Congress make 12 times the average United States citizen

U.S. newsroom employment has dropped by a quarter since 2008

In 2017, 59% of Russians said the collapse of the Soviet Union was a bad thing. [source]


Fired For An Email To Jeff Bezos 
Unlit Earth Equal Profit BOOK and T-Shirt that might get you fired.

I write Jeff Bezos an email containing this line:

to: Jeff Bezos

date: Feb 13, 2022, 7:37 PM

"People should not be at the emotion of "murdering their managers" and senior people in the business."

Then on Feb 24, 2022 I'm summoned to HR where Loss Prevention voices concern about this line. Loss Prevention, 2 members of HR and the General Manager are all in the meeting. I'm sent home. Then I'm fired by email:

from: Scott, Cameron, Senior HR

date: Mar 2, 2022, 10:43 AM

"This notification is to inform you that due to your substantiated violation of Amazon’s Workplace Violence policy the company will be proceeding with termination of your employment. The termination is effective immediately and your badge is no longer active. This decision was made in consultation of Loss Prevention, and Sr. Human Resource Partnership."

This happened in a town who's police told me "that's not my job" when I called to report automatic gunfire. Democracy Now didn't care to run this story, despite my $500 donation to them before this event happened. They know who I am.

Examples of real violence:

Amazon Worker In Joliet Pulls Loaded Gun On Coworkers: Joliet Police

Hitman testifies ex-Amazon Mexico CEO paid him $9K to kill wife

At another facility my manager told me not to talk about unionizing while working. This manager was later berated by Human Resources of the facility.

When I worked for Pursuit, a business that manages lodges in Glacier National Park, I was told not to talk about politics.

from: Gary Rodgers, VP and General Manager, Pursuit's Glacier Park Collection.

date: Wed, Sep 8, 2021 at 10:27 AM

"You are welcome to have political or ideological discussions on your own time; however, I fully support not allowing these wide-ranging topics be part of the safe and comfortable workplace environment we work to create and maintain."

The ACLU did not care to respond to me.

Everyone's work story becomes a book we all share the profit of. 


Unlit Earth 1 was hacked


I've been dealing with what I suspect is a Narus hacker for some time. He's going to prison. These little NARUS hackers can rob crypto exchanges as anyone. The FBI looks into it and the robbery of the crypto exchange looks like it came from DPRK. It might even be the same NARUS hacker looking into the case, feeding the FBI false intel. NARUS was an ISRAELI business. You're aware anyone can be a citizen of Israel because if you're a Jew, you're a citizen of Israel. They don't really have a border worth anything. If you become a Jew you get a state called Israel. This is why Israel can never become the 51st state. So in through Israel a business offered the United States a way to tap the world's internet. So who really owned NARUS? All those news stories of DPRK robbing crypto exchanges. Here think NARUS hacker. SENIOR NARUS network guy who can become any network on the planet, run his hack and then drop the route. The whole time he's running internet to NARUS network. But the world sees the hack run as DPRK. And DPRK is splashed around the world as a ROBBER of crypto when they're a very SMALL democracy. You remember what happened to TRUMP? Our party all in MORON unison go "He guilty." And now history of Trump in some circles is this INSANE story of how he subverted democracy. That kind of nonsense happened to many countries all over the world. They're all the Socialist countries. I'm a mind master and I spent a lot of time on this hack of my computer a while back and ended at NARUS. I think it's also possible these sex stars are little robbers, with GENIUS mind views of all their fans. Well if they move credentials to a country like China and run their hacks from China, I imagine China is less likely to cooperate with law enforcement because China has been so mistreated over many years. If they run their hacks through an VPN or an anonymizer like TOR, I imagine NARUS can pin down where they are. Our stupid government has NARUS monitor our taps. NARUS is an Israeli business. You know who can be an Israeli citizen? ANY JEW. If you a Jew, you a citizen. So Saudi Arabia could LITERALLY be NARUS. These people that run the planet are the stupidest fucks bros.



"Altogether, it seems possible to survive without food and drink within a time span of 8 to 21 days. If a person is only deprived of food, the survival time may even go up to about two months, although this is influenced by many factors." [source]

"According to the Russian non-governmental organization Levada Center, about 85% of the Russian population approved of Putin in the beginning of 2023, the highest in nearly 8 years." [source]

Middle Earth

Magma does NOT want to be that hot!!!! You remember this is one of my Nobel Prizes. MATTER FEELS!!!! That magma FEELS and is ALIVE!!!! The brain is electromagnetic and so are atoms. Feeling is simply electromagnetism!!! Our ultimate mission as animals on the planet is the fix the universe!!!! No big CLUMP of fast moving matter waves. Everything will move to PERFECT. A perfect universe section that will not even be CONSIDERED as something to be put in an OVEN, that proceeds on to fix the ENTIRE universe!!!

"Snow ice water snow ice water..."

Gaza Strip border

Rafah, Gaza

"More than one quarter of all buildings in Northern Gaza are damaged or destroyed" [source]

"In 2014, Israel invaded Gaza in a major war that resulted in the deaths of 73 Israelis (mostly soldiers) and 2,251 Palestinians (mostly civilians). The invasion resulted in "unprecedented" destruction, damaging 25% of homes in Gaza city and 70% of homes in Beit Hanoun." [source]

"In the 11 days of the 2021 war, Hamas launched 400 rockets a day, nearly four times the daily average number of launches in 2014." [source]

Rockets fired from the Gaza Strip towards Israel 10/10/2023

RIGHT from a residential area. Hamas needs a DISARMED strategy. Bros we have NO WEAPONS!!! But we TALK to the WORLD. So don't hurt us or the WORLD will learn what you did. 


Mind Master Stuff
You can buy a hard copy of this book for $14.49

If you know anyone who can turn this book into a movie, GENIUS!

Become a contributor of Best of Mind Talents and Altered Reality. Another equal profit book.

Password Idea: [memorized bit] + [random characters you write down]
Random characters as your email is more difficult for mind pickers.

How to leak: use a go between. "Hey I need you to mail this for me." Someone you don't know.


Antarctica Matter Route

太美了!南极洲最深潜水探秘:真是个意想不到的惊人世界* 阿波罗新闻网

Translation: "So beautiful! Antarctica’s Deepest Diving Exploration: What an Unexpected and Amazing World *Apollo News Network" [source]

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