Random Unlit Earth Supporter

Friday, March 1, 2024

Labor Force Participation: 62.5%

Joe Biden's Approval: 38.9% ↓
Biden: 42.8% ↑  Trump: 44.6% ↓

Communist Allied Radio Station Build

We'll transition to a system where your land is your country. Police, roads, schools, FBI, the military and all other government groups will all be transitioned to equal partnerships. The same system will become an equal partnership business create tool. Global equal partnerships then drive all the large businesses out of business. ONE global car company for example. Lots of GLOBAL intelligence internal to this car company. And WE own this thing!!! As equals.

Radio Station / Film Studio:

$10/ per year. You must be politically aligned LEFT! Democrats, Socialists, Communists. You must be aligned with THIS group. This radio station equal partnership will play SMALL bands of the world. All music will be available for download for FREE. Supported by ONE very short brand spot of a few seconds that plays periodically through the day, so the entire city learns ONE BRAND and doesn't change the channel. Something like 3 seconds, then back to music!!! Become an equal partner of this radio station / film studio at $10 a year. (Democrat, Socialist, Labor, Green, Communist allied)

Join this equal partnership at $10 a year if you're Socialist/Communist allied and want to transition to "Your Land is Your Country. We'll transition the world with this station.



A very kind person gave me $36 yesterday!!! THANKS!!!

Contact Unlit Earth

Message me here.

Best of Reddit
Right click: "search image with Google" for TOP images

The Burning Monk, 1963 [1920*1080]


Friend said he has a hunting dog.

Blue wanted to make sure

Down the road from me in Mohawk, Michigan.

Carefully Arranged Stones

Can we all stop and appreciate the design of Michaelibad station for a moment

Carn Brea Castle on Carn Brea is a 14th-century grade II listed granite stone building, which was extensively remodeled in the 18th century as a hunting lodge in the style of a castle for the Basset family. (Read more in 1st comment)

Warsaw, Poland.

A Mk48 torpedo passing under a Dealey class destroyer escort USS BRIDGET (DE-1024) during an exercise in 1972. [960x740]

ang ganda mo talaga, cebu!

The industrial power of China

An American Newspaper Front Page From September 17, 1939

You remember these guys became our allies when we all learned how WACKY the Germany worker party elected people turned out to be!!! Germany experienced WWI where HALF the country was either wounded or killed!!! Now wouldn't you kill away whoever was responsible for the war? Drexler wrote a book that blamed the Jews. I think he was for EXPORTING Jews not killing them, but of course you remember what happened. They killed MILLIONS of Jews and Soviets in the Holocaust. You also remember when Spain was under Franco, Hitler supported Franco and the Soviets supported the people opposed to Franco. Franco was a dictator of Spain until 1975. And we and Communists of China and Korea all repelled Japan, who was allied NAZI Germany. There's a history of Korea North attacking South that is so obviously wrong:

"The North Koreans had their own view. They argued that the war began not with their invasion of the south, but with earlier border attacks by South Korean leader Syngman Rhee’s forces, ordered by the United States. The DPRK maintains that the American government planned the war in order to shore up the collapsing Rhee government, to help the American economy and to spread its power throughout Asia and around the world." [source]

Edinburgh Castle, Scotland

A rivulet rushing towards the sea, Jutland, Denmark [OC][3972x2979]

Leeds Castle, England

Made a weird thing what should i name this

NASA's Perseverance landing over the Jezero crater (Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Simeon Schmauß/AndreaLuck)

Cork this morning

Building fish tower in a pond

TIL about “follies”: 18th-19th century buildings constructed as displays of extravagant wealth, typically with no practical purpose

This tree near my boyfriend’s house looks so cool in the fall

The Sinking House Of Montmartre

Eye of an Elephant

Monument Valley, Utah circa 2023

Photo I took in New Mexico, very underrated US State!

Miramare Castle, Italy

Islands are beautiful

Ancient India

Letchworth State Park: New York's Grand Canyon

Little pigs

Beach in Maldives

This motor once powered elevator at the World Trade Center

Relic of the past

The roof of St. Stephen’s cathedral in Vienna

Viking Ship Museum, Oslo, Norway


Photo taken by Debbie Parker shows a tree getting hit by lightning

Pulau Langkawi, Malaysia

Big spruce tree growing on top of a rock

Almost the heaven in the Salinas Grandes, Purmamarca, Jujuy. Argentina

The U.S. national debt is rising by $1 trillion about every 100 days

Which U.S. Counties Have the Most Renters? [OC]

United States Cities Listed By Crime

Click on the arrow by murder. It's murder per 100,000.

WORST city is St. Louis, Missouri, which is at 1 murder per 1515 people. Population: 293,310 [source] But ONE guy who lives by murder moves in and murders and robs to get by and your number goes SKY HIGH!!!!!

Austin Texas murder rate is 1 murder per 38,910.5 people. Austin's population is nearly 1 million. [source]



Science Fiction 

The Sci-Fi & Fantasy Artworks of Klaus Pillon

Velomobiles / Electric Bikes 
The future: elevated, air conditioned electric bike tunnels along the most congested roads.

1500W Winter Moped Style Ebike

Cost: $2,998.00
Range: 40-50 miles


39% of the U.S. Population Can't Afford $400 
The less money you have, the more likely you are to be a Democrat. [source]

Wood structure built into overpass highlights hidden homeless population

It's worth WALKING to a large city on a multi day walk to empathize with these people. Then when you read stories about BULLDOZING homeless camps, you'll want all those BULLDOZING people CANNED bros!!! 


The Wealthy: People Who Control The World 
The more money you have, the more likely you are to be a Republican. [source]

Ferarri California T: $169,000



Vietnam casualties were 282,000. I bet that high casualty rate of 413,760 Russian's killed in Ukraine is Russian CITIZENS of Ukraine!!! [source]

"...81% of the population of Ukraine speak the Ukrainian language in their personal life, at the same time 34% speak Russian...."

So when I read that 413,760 figure, I think people within 34% of Ukraine were MASSACRED!!!! 


Stockholm subway: the world's largest public art gallery

Stockholm subway: the world's largest public art gallery 2

Washington Metro: The Most Iconic Subway in the US

Metro Station, Washington DC - Etsy

People walking on train station photo

Washington DC Metro by BDStudio on DeviantArt

Art galleries and time capsules: Europe's most interesting and beautiful metro stations

Google Image Search: Ruta del Peregrino

Google Image Search: "national museum of roman art"

Concrete Staircase

Concrete Cylindrical Structure

Click the > button on this image for the staircase. DO!!! And scroll down to see the other images. WORTH IT!!!

Dezeen’s top 10 staircases of 2023

Concrete Staircase


Chunky concrete staircase spirals through House in Akitsu by Kazunori Fujimoto

That staircase looks like it will BREAK bros!!!

tokyo files: pod structure

Here think Communist allied radio station with SUPER CHEAP small homes for rent. 

Google Image Search: "Nakagin Capsule Tower"

The 25 Most Creative And Modern Staircase Designs

10 Creative Staircases That Will Blow Your Mind | L'Essenziale

20+ Modern and Creative Stair Designs - Design Swan

22 Beautiful Stairs That Will Make Climbing To The Second



Good To Know

47% of Americans 'Agree With Ban On Slaughterhouses'
5% of Americans are vegetarian. 3% are vegan.
175 Mexican politicians were purged by murder between September 2017 and August 2018.
68% of the 101 political candidates killed during the 2020-2021 cycle were from the LEFT.

 70% of Americans Want Marijuana Legal Updates
87% of Democrats favor legalization. 55% of Republicans support legalization.
One study found 51% of 139 homeless lacked basic English writing skills.

6% of scientists are Republican

64% of American's approve of labor unions.

82% of Democrats approve of labor unions. 45% of Republicans approve of labor unions.

62% of Americans in favor of raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour.

Over 40% of workers make $15 and less. $15 is just a bit more than the minimum wage's high point of $14.39 in 1968, if you account for inflation. [source 1] [source 2

39% of Americans don't have $400 available to spend.

The wealthiest 20% own 80% of all assets.

38% have a favorable view of socialism

One acre of land can make about 387 times more potatoes than killing cows. [source]

Members of Congress make 12 times the average United States citizen

U.S. newsroom employment has dropped by a quarter since 2008

In 2017, 59% of Russians said the collapse of the Soviet Union was a bad thing. [source]

Almost all U.S. presidents have been a member of a religion. [source]

Nearly ALL members of Congress are members of a religion. [source

Religious people are more likely to be Republican. [source]

47% of Americans belong to a church [source



Fired For An Email To Jeff Bezos 
Unlit Earth Equal Profit BOOK and T-Shirt that might get you fired.

I write Jeff Bezos an email containing this line:

to: Jeff Bezos

date: Feb 13, 2022, 7:37 PM

"People should not be at the emotion of "murdering their managers" and senior people in the business."

Then on Feb 24, 2022 I'm summoned to HR where Loss Prevention voices concern about this line. Loss Prevention, 2 members of HR and the General Manager are all in the meeting. I'm sent home. Then I'm fired by email:

from: Scott, Cameron, Senior HR

date: Mar 2, 2022, 10:43 AM

"This notification is to inform you that due to your substantiated violation of Amazon’s Workplace Violence policy the company will be proceeding with termination of your employment. The termination is effective immediately and your badge is no longer active. This decision was made in consultation of Loss Prevention, and Sr. Human Resource Partnership."

This happened in a town who's police told me "that's not my job" when I called to report automatic gunfire. Democracy Now didn't care to run this story, despite my $500 donation to them before this event happened. They know who I am.

Examples of real violence:

Amazon Worker In Joliet Pulls Loaded Gun On Coworkers: Joliet Police

Hitman testifies ex-Amazon Mexico CEO paid him $9K to kill wife

At another facility my manager told me not to talk about unionizing while working. This manager was later berated by Human Resources of the facility.

When I worked for Pursuit, a business that manages lodges in Glacier National Park, I was told not to talk about politics.

from: Gary Rodgers, VP and General Manager, Pursuit's Glacier Park Collection.

date: Wed, Sep 8, 2021 at 10:27 AM

"You are welcome to have political or ideological discussions on your own time; however, I fully support not allowing these wide-ranging topics be part of the safe and comfortable workplace environment we work to create and maintain."

The ACLU did not care to respond to me.

Everyone's work story becomes a book we all share the profit of. 


Unlit Earth 1 was hacked


I've been dealing with what I suspect is a Narus hacker for some time. He's going to prison. These little NARUS hackers can rob crypto exchanges as anyone. The FBI looks into it and the robbery of the crypto exchange looks like it came from DPRK. It might even be the same NARUS hacker looking into the case, feeding the FBI false intel. NARUS was an ISRAELI business. You're aware anyone can be a citizen of Israel because if you're a Jew, you're a citizen of Israel. They don't really have a border worth anything. If you become a Jew you get a state called Israel. This is why Israel can never become the 51st state. So in through Israel a business offered the United States a way to tap the world's internet. So who really owned NARUS? All those news stories of DPRK robbing crypto exchanges. Here think NARUS hacker. SENIOR NARUS network guy who can become any network on the planet, run his hack and then drop the route. The whole time he's running internet to NARUS network. But the world sees the hack run as DPRK. And DPRK is splashed around the world as a ROBBER of crypto when they're a very SMALL democracy. You remember what happened to TRUMP? Our party all in MORON unison go "He guilty." And now history of Trump in some circles is this INSANE story of how he subverted democracy. That kind of nonsense happened to many countries all over the world. They're all the Socialist countries. I'm a mind master and I spent a lot of time on this hack of my computer a while back and ended at NARUS. I think it's also possible these sex stars are little robbers, with GENIUS mind views of all their fans. Well if they move credentials to a country like China and run their hacks from China, I imagine China is less likely to cooperate with law enforcement because China has been so mistreated over many years. If they run their hacks through an VPN or an anonymizer like TOR, I imagine NARUS can pin down where they are. Our stupid government has NARUS monitor our taps. NARUS is an Israeli business. You know who can be an Israeli citizen? ANY JEW. If you a Jew, you a citizen. So Saudi Arabia could LITERALLY be NARUS. These people that run the planet are the stupidest fucks bros.


Mind Master Stuff
You can buy a hard copy of this book for $14.49

If you know anyone who can turn this book into a movie, GENIUS!

Become a contributor of Best of Mind Talents and Altered Reality. Another equal profit book.

Password Idea: [memorized bit] + [random characters you write down]
Random characters as your email is more difficult for mind pickers.

How to leak: use a go between. "Hey I need you to mail this for me." Someone you don't know.

Television and radio adds RICHIES to your mind bros!!!! Then when we're we and think RATIONAL thoughts anti RICHIE, our system enters ALL THEIR HELLS bros!!!! ALL of them!!!! They run people's minds as well. The illogical. The people that FEEL and act. Well it's all the microphones around AS you said those words, that's a huge tell that your mind was literally RUN by all the richies that joined your brain and made you speak those words!!!!!! And the person who just sort of FEELS their way through problems and is not logical doesn't even know a rich swarm DROVE HIS BRAIN bros!!!! DETERMINED the words he spoke!!!!! WOW microphone DJ heaven, RIGHT AS YOU SAID THOSE WORDS!!!!! And with a rewind crew you can literally SEE the ancestry of the thought. You can literally see WHICH rich group determined the words SAID!!! Not thought, SAID!!!! In my brain I drift into rich people hells when I think counter to rich people. Like You're ALL being taxed by our equal partnership TAX group!!!! Anything past a million, or whatever we decide, we taxing that!!!! WHY? Because we want an equal society!!!! We don't want a TINY percent of the population determining the future of the world!!! THAT'S why richies!!!! They live in our brain bros. Every word of music you listen to, that we ENJOY, adds richies to our brain!!! I think we're also the POOR empathy nodes of the wealthy, because the wealthy that join our brain LIVE AS WE!!!! So when there's a resonance back up to where they came from, where they came from EMPATHIZES with our poor requests, like a COMMUNIST ideal state, which I'm not for, but rings well among poor people. Bros I went to school and everything was provided for, how not extend that school system to ALL OF LIFE!!! With a state car company the way China and Russia have. You know? THAT'S the Communist way, which I LOVE, but I'm not in agreement with. I LOVE Communists!!! They're EXTREME allies!!! But I'm not Communist. I'm a "Your Land is Your Country" person where schools, police, the military, FBI, and all the other government groups become equal partnerships!!!! WHOA!!! You military fucks have THESE contracts with THESE businesses!!! It ALL opens up!!! NO MORE SECRETS!!! And the obvious strategies like REAL news, rather than "private company gets a contract courtesy of our tax dollars and we'll call it News Hour on PBS until we're caught." We'll have REAL news!!!!

You're worried about an equal partnership news system aligning with ONE groups politics? DON'T we're a proportional representation system where GROUPS of people who are members get their own political NEWS so we don't have the INSANE Democrats that are our allies, reporting about how WONDERFUL the impeachment is. We can walk over the Republicans on the other side and see how they defended their TEAM!!! DOPES, they people WANDERED from a crowd that appears EVERY YEAR and all decided ON THEIR OWN to invade Congress. Trump had nothing to do with that!!!! That doesn't even take looking into the other parties careful notes about what happened. That's just basic logic!!!! But our party IMPEACHED!!!! Well while Democracy Now will showcase how WONDERFUL invading Lincoln Hospital was, they'll simultaneously have guests on that describe how "HE GUILTY!!!" Trump guilty everyone. It feels this way. So he guilty everyone.

Bros, this Communist allied radio station will KICK ASS!!! it will be an equal partnership at $10 a year!!! A million members at $10 a year is 10 million a year!!! PLENTY of money for a THRIFTY, equal partnership radio station that plays the FREE music of SMALL bands!!! Our ideas from members of this equal partnership will be voted up and put into action!!! We'll have a volunteer news reading group that covers all 195 countries, so the WHOLE world is covered bros!!! We'll be TOP!!! I KNOW!!! I listened to BBC, NPR for MONTHS and they're NOT up to par bros!!! This radio station will play music as a FOR PROFIT station with SUPREMELY valuable VERY short brand spots. 3 seconds is the time you're buying, but EVERYONE will remember you!!!! SUPREMELY valuable time slots bros!!!! People WILL buy these very small brand time spots bros!!! SIMPLE!!! Then the thing is self sufficient!!!! AND all music of these SMALL bands of the world will be available for download for FREE. Any song you hear, it's available for download!!! Complete albums. An app that simply marks the TIME. You like a song. You tap the "note song" button on your phone, held securely in your dashboard and you have the full albums available for download to your email. We email you a series of BitTorrent links that gets you all the songs you like. This station will ROCK and it will be of OUR politics!!!! ALLIED Communist! Which means we'll feed the world the CORRECT story about DPRK and China. Not a Wikipedia entry that described China as undemocratic. NO, the ACCURATE view of China. The view that ACCURATELY describes the Communists as ALLIES during World War II when we defeated Japan as a CREW!!!! We were all ALLIES!!! At $10 a month. JOIN if you're interested bros!!!

Imagine ALL berates replicating in some seed loop. It's YOUR voice going "CLEAN UP YOUR ROOM" and the people that know you are TRYING to REWIND you backwards, so your VOICE doesn't DRIFT off to some MURDERER'S mind who also gets a whole crew of people who YAP our personal details out to WHOEVER. Oh you're Michelle, living in Pittsburgh? The murderer FINDS a Michelle and MURDERS this Michelle away, the same way Anthony Bourdain and Robin Williams were killed off. To this day their deaths are described as suicides. The more COLD you have the more you can REWIND these annoying voices that get people KILLED, BACKWARD and OUT of you!!!

I bet a cancer patient could cure their cancer simply by thinking "snow ice water" over and over with their eyes closed and mind grouping the DARK they see with their eyes closed. When the dark turns to light, change your angle. That's ALL the world's snow you connect to to counter your slipping to HOT HOT HOT bros!!!! I bet it would work. And it's SIMPLE!!! All you do is think "snow ice water snow ice water" all day with your eyes closed, while mind grouping the DARKNESS you see with your eyes closed. 




Antarctica Matter Route

Антарктида потеряла очень серьезные площади морского льда

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