Random Unlit Earth Supporter

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Labor Force Participation: 62.7%

Poll: Harris / Trump: Harris is ahead
Poll: Congress: Democrats are ahead

Contact Unlit Earth (redeem ticket this way)

Communist Allied Radio Station
Equal Partnership: $10/year

Today's Best of Reddit
Just click on everything without reading the title makes it easy.

72% of Americans Believe Electric Vehicles Are Too Costly

cost: $241,300


Thanks to Google Images for help finding car prices every day and other content for this website. Their translate software helps me find news in other languages every day. They deserve a Nobel Prize for their contribution to world knowledge, understanding and creating a quicker pace of world improvement.

Their Chromebook also ROCKS bros. I'm REALLY broke right now and these Chromebooks are around $40 and play video great. 


Science Fiction 
These are GENIUS mind portals.

Troop Lander



Velomobiles / Electric Bikes 
The future: elevated, air conditioned electric bike tunnels along the most congested roads.

Fatboy Scrambler

cost: $4,090.00
range: 55 miles [source]
speed: 31 mph

WAY pricey. Our velomobile equal partnership will have these down to $500 I bet.



39% of the U.S. Population Can't Afford $400 
The less money you have, the more likely you are to be a Democrat. [source]

"...to provide funding for local non-profit organizations such as the YWCA, Catholic Charities and Beatitude House to assist lower-income residents and families."

If that much money is possible from the Feds to ONE county, just make ONE big national homeless work for us for no PAY system. We house you, we feed you, but you have to work for us for NO PAY!!! Why the diversion to these nonprofits!!!


The Wealthy: People Who Run The World
The more money you have, the more likely you are to be a Republican. [source]

2023 Best Picture: Oppenheimer [source]

Cillian Murphy: $20 million
Emily Blunt: $80 million
Matt Damon: $170 million
Robert Downy Jr.: $300 million



Union Strikes
These actions will STOP after we repeal section 7 of the National Labor Relations Act. 


 "Section 7 of the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) states in part, 'Employees shall have the right. . . to engage in other concerted activities for the purpose of collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection.' Strikes are included among the concerted activities protected for employees by this section." [source]


Other top of the day

Gaza Ministry of Health: 42,438 killed by Israel 10/17/2024

Yesterday: 42,409 killed. 10/16/2024

29 killed since yesterday.

For new people: The United States House of Representatives Vote 269-144 to prohibit the State Department From Using Statistics from the Gaza Ministry of Health [source]

"A group of 62 Democrats joined all but two Republicans in voting for the measure." [source]

Lebanon Ministry of Health: 2412 killed by Israel.

2 days ago: 2,350 killed by Israel 10/15/2024

31 killed per day average over last two days.

5 Israeli soldiers killed in southern Lebanon 10/17/2024

Syria: Russia bombs militants' headquarters in Idlib 10/17/2024

"...strikes were carried out on 9 militant headquarters in the Idlib countryside in northern Syria...."

"The Syrian Civil Defense said that Russian warplanes committed a "massacre" by targeting a furniture workshop and an olive press on the outskirts of Idlib city with air strikes, killing 10 civilians and wounding 32." [source]

Aircraft and missile attacks hit unwanted United States base in Syria 10/17/2024

US base in Syria attacked with Grad missiles. 10/17/2024

U.S. Deploys B-2 Bombers to Launch Strikes in Yemen 10/17/2024

Mayor of Mexican Town of Candelaria Loxicha Becomes Second to Be Assassinated This Month 10/17/2024

B-2 bombers strike Houthi sites for the first time.

"US forces, including US Air Force B-2 bombers, conducted precision strikes against five fortified underground weapons storage sites..."

Imagine a precision strike announced as the 'cause of that those bombs that went off in New York City. No thanks!!

Al-Houthi announces targeting 196 ships linked to "Israel" in support of Gaza 10/17/2024

US sanctions network shipping oil on behalf of Houthis 10/17/2024

More than 40% of people in Gaza to face 'catastrophic' levels of hunger 10/17/2024

Israeli Strike Hits Lebanese Municipal Building, Killing Mayor 10/16/2024

"The Israeli military on Wednesday bombed the densely populated southern outskirts of Beirut for the first time in days and also struck a southern Lebanese city where local officials were meeting, killing at least 16 people, including the mayor, according to Lebanese officials."

Phillips 66 hit with $604.9 million US verdict in fuel trade-secrets case 10/17/2024

Qualcomm may decide whether to acquire Intel after the US election 10/17/2024

Big Oil Dishes Out Record $54.2 Million to Boost GOP Candidates: Analysis 10/17/2024

"Led by the oil and gas industry, this sector regularly pumps the vast majority of its campaign contributions into Republican coffers." [source]

"Since the 1990 election cycle, more than two-thirds of this sector’s contributions to candidates and party committees has gone to Republicans." [source]

UN Peacekeepers in Lebanon Say Israeli Forces Fired on Them Again 10/16/2024

Nebraska Supreme Court Orders Election Officials to Obey Law Letting Former Felons Vote 10/16/2024

For the Photo: Rural structures in Québec inform Virgin Vineyard House by LAMAS 10/17/2024

Photo: Arthur Bay Tropical Colors 10/17/2024

Guardian's Photos of the Day 10/17/2024

Patriot missile manufacturer fined almost $1bn 10/17/2024

"US weapons maker Raytheon has been charged with foreign bribery and inflating federal contracts"

Israel claims Palestinian Prime Minister has been killed 10/17/2024

Wikipedia: Palestinian Legislative Council

Hamas won 56% of seats: 74 out of 132 total. See him as an elected leader that doesn't control everything as one person.

Archdiocese of Los Angeles agrees to $880m sex abuse payout 10/17/2024

That's an INSANE figure. 

Recent Sales to Saudi Arabia:

Ammunition for Artillery Systems, Machine Guns, and Tanks 10/11/2024

AIM-9X Block II Sidewinder Missiles 10/11/2024

AGM-114R3 Hellfire II Missiles 10/11/2024 

For new people: Saudi Arabia is run by murderers who robbed their citizens of $800 billion and own the largest oil refinery in the United States. Saudi Arabia buys massive weapons from the United States and Europe. One of their projects: The Line, is a 105 mile long skyscraper.




Fired For An Email To Jeff Bezos 
Unlit Earth Equal Profit BOOK and T-Shirt that might get you fired.

Be a contributor to the BOOK, of Amazon stories. Even if your contribution is only a paragraph, it's an EXTREMELY valuable paragraph bros. All contributors share the profit of this book.

Unlit Earth 1 was hacked (gov access hacker)

Mind Master Stuff
A 14 page Book I wrote: Mind Masters and Matter Waves - Korean Translation - Spanish
You can buy a hard copy of this book for $14.49

If you know anyone who can turn this book into a movie, GENIUS!

Become a contributor of Best of Mind Talents and Altered Reality. Another equal profit book.

Password Idea: [memorized bit] + [random characters you print out] (make COPIES!)
Random characters as your email is more difficult for mind pickers.
You can also use a QR code scanner to extend your memorized password with random characters.

How to leak: use a go between. "Hey I need you to mail this for me." to someone you don't know.


Antarctica Matter Route
After all the ice melts: map. Sea levels will rise 3 feet by 2100 [source]

Deepest Dive Under Antarctica Reveals a Shockingly Vibrant World 1



Antarctica: -4 °F (at time of writing)