Random Unlit Earth Supporter

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Labor Force Participation: 62.5% 

Poll: Biden / Trump: Trump is ahead
Poll: Congress: Democrats are ahead

Contact Unlit Earth (redeem ticket this way)

Communist Allied Radio Station Build: $10/year
Best of Reddit
Just click on everything without reading the title makes it easy.

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legislative_violence as a map built with mapchart.net/world.html

Scene from this year’s annual Hajj pilgrimage.

I really want to take squirrels home and raise them

Smooth drift.

Who wins this hypothetical war?

Tasman Island [OC][2556 x 1179]

I saw this and immediately reminded me of NMS

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

A lot of DeLoreans in Storage

It would be better if he stayed in the car

I dunno what's the purpose of this

2022 McLaren 765LT: $382,500

Spamming photos from my trip to New Zealand (A37 + Minolta beer can)

The South African AK

ITAP of a Sunset in Zion National Park in Utah

Château de Montreuil-Bellay, France

Aurora and Milky Way

What was Lower Manhattan like in the 90s?

Multiple selection and editing in my mapmaking tool

My Little lass, early this morning, Kerry, Ireland

Can you spot the world's best train driver? :3c

Magnitogorsk, Russia.

Because of the anticonsumption mindset, I have SO MUCH more respect for someone driving a normal-sized old truck than a brand new gigantic one

I was told to make a house as a test for an environment artist position. Will submit this tomorrow. What do y'all think I should fix?

London is therapy for my eyes

Some people have it all

718 Cayman GT4 RS: $164,200

Not everyday you see a [Ferrari F40] and a [Bugatti Chiron] in the same day

Ferrari F40: $1.5 million

The views as you land in Vancouver will never get old...


Lara Trump is building an army of ‘100,000 poll watchers and over 500 lawyers’ to ‘deploy’ across America in November

Lara Lea Trump ... is an American former television producer who has co-chaired the Republican National Committee since March 2024. She is married to Eric Trump, the third child of former U.S. President Donald Trump. [source]

You remember Donald Trump has a total wealth of $6.5 billion.

Joe Biden is worth $10 million.

So Donald Trump has 650 times as much money. 

Lions enjoying a warthog

Humans should be KILLING, ALL of these lions. Snow snow snow snow snow snow. 

What's the context of this poster? Why is Matoro there on Bara Magna?

Piping Plover

The sun reflecting off the WTC in New York City a few days ago. I’ve seen the skyline many times but not like this. Just stood and looked in awe.

Thoughts on the Q1 Class “Ugly Duckling” locomotives

Thimble Jellyfish in Bohol, Philippines

The fast battleship HMS King George V, early 1941. [1270 x 1800]

Genuine 993 GT2 [4032x3024]

2024 Porsche 911 GT3: $184,550

The construction of an infinity well

What is your favorite skyline?

For sale near me

Clarkson, Nebraska, USA - Tornado on land - June 15, 2024 - via AT JordanHallWX

The Dalton Highway

Best photo

First Ferrari, in love!

2018 Ferrari 488 GTB: $276,542

This Pool Roomba

F-22 is absolutely insane

Argentine Marxist revolutionary Ernesto "Che" Guevara photographed with Cuban leader Fidel Castro in the 1960s.

Che was a doctor, just like the founder of the KMT!!! 


This is a SUPREMELY evil act. 

Solar eclipse from the South Pole.

The biggest swing I've ever seen

‘56 Cvy Nmd

Possible explanation for “Jetpack” sightings

CLS lovers where you at?

Mercedes-Benz CLS: $76,500

Settlement built on a bridge in China

Forbidden Cliffs, Oregon Coast, USA [OC] {3648x5472}

ITAP of the USAF Thunderbirds

Patrolling the Mojave rn, AMA.

Guangzhou, China, 1980.

[Multi] Which Ford GT spec is your favourite

Cost: $1,700,000

Loch Vale - Rocky Mountain National Park (3420x2962)(OC)

Spotted a 911 S/T in Porvoo, Finland (bonus 2 offroad Cayennes)

Cost: $290,000

Wicklow, Ireland [3770x2778] [OC]

Milky Way galaxy captured using my phone.

Question - does this count?

Grand Canyon from a helicopter [3114x4670] [OC]

Uruk, Iraq.

Murlough Bay, Co. Antrim, Northern Ireland [8160x3768] [OC]

10 million years ago, turtles could eat you with a single bite.

How many hours did you pour into DAI?

Bryce Canyon [OC], [4032x3024]

Dog jumps over the entire river.

I saw this old and tiny gas station

To sneak attack

USA Montana Lakes Beauty

My son must put a vest on the calf

Humans are EVIL bros.

Pictures from my thru-hike of the 100 mile long Tour Du Mont Blanc trail

Rainy night

The Ride

Rio de Janeiro

A photo I took of a container ship at sunset

Sao Paulo, Brazil at night, showing patchwork of mercury VS sodium vapor lighting visible from space

The mile-long rainbow flag being carried down First Avenue in New York City

Atlantic City

Mountains in Sochi


A picture I took of a hotel while on a beach.

The Corral in Calgary was demolished and they built a new building in its place. It just opened.

Beautiful Neenah, Wisconsin at 200 feet

Two rocks in June

The coast of Oregon

a view through a hole. taken from my ferry trip back home



Science Fiction 
These GENIUS mind portals.

The Fantastic Sci-Fi Concept Art of Cheng-Hang Liu


Velomobiles / Electric Bikes 
The future: elevated, air conditioned electric bike tunnels along the most congested roads.


Cost: $549.00
Range: 30 miles
39% of the U.S. Population Can't Afford $400 
The less money you have, the more likely you are to be a Democrat. [source]

These actions will stop after we repeal section 7 of the National Labor Relations Act: 

"Section 7 of the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) states in part, 'Employees shall have the right. . . to engage in other concerted activities for the purpose of collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection.' Strikes are included among the concerted activities protected for employees by this section." [source]

The Wealthy: People Who Control The World
The more money you have, the more likely you are to be a Republican. [source]

#11 Song on the Radio: Billie Eilish - Birds of A Feather [source]

Billie Eilish is worth: $53 million 

#12 Song on the Radio: Taylor Swift - Fortnite [source]

Taylor Swift is worth $1.1 billion 

I love Taylor Swifts voice, but I bet she went to top a way of "who's top on the top 100. I'll pick that. Then next week 'who's top? I'll play that' then the next week 'who's top? I'll play that' So all these DJs create this recursion that bumps these people up.



This part of the US is at highest risk for a devastating tsunami 6/16/2024

"Scientists now know the 700-mile fault called the Cascadia Subduction Zone, 100 miles off the coast of Northern California stretching north to Vancouver Island, could trigger a 9.0 magnitude earthquake followed by a tsunami, which is exactly what happened in Japan 2011."

Presidential Debate Set for next for June 27 6/16/2024

Trump’s Spiritual Adviser Quasi-Confesses to Molesting 12-Year-Old Girl 6/16/2024

Israel war on Gaza updates: 41 Palestinians killed in the past day 6/16/2024

Twelve IDF soldiers killed in three separate incidents, ten new soldiers named 6/16/2024

61% of Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza prefer Hamas to be in control of the Gaza Strip 6/16/2024

Israel's military on Sunday said it would pause fighting for 11 hours each day near a specific border crossing in southern Gaza to allow for more humanitarian aid to enter the area 6/16/2024

If Israel is running a normal operation of DEFENSE then why are we pausing at all? They're NOT!!! They're just LEVELLING the whole area!!!

19 Hajj pilgrims die in Saudi Arabia, 17 missing – Report 6/17/2024

Saudi Arabia Chooses Chinese Yuan Over US Dollar: Global Markets React 6/16/2024

These means their investments will be straight Chinese rather than US Dollars. I'm curious if China guided them to this.

As November elections near in the US, Saudi Arabia works to finalize defense treaty 6/16/2024

"The security deal would prohibit China from building military bases in Saudi Arabia, a move that is meant to strengthen Saudi Arabia’s ties to the US."

Why the FUCK would China want anything to do with Saudi Arabia in that capacity? You guys remember we were all allies during World War II? United States, Soviet Union, China. All ALLIES!!!!

San Gabriel, a city with a large number of Chinese Americans, held the first "San Gabriel Cultural Festival" 6/17/2024

San Gabriel is 41% Chinese ancestry.

Google Maps: San Gabriel

San Marino is 58% Chinese ancestry.

Google Maps: San Marino

G7 Communique: China was mentioned 28 times in the final communique, with nearly every one describing Beijing as a malign force. 6/17/2024

Four U.S. states join DOJ in lawsuit against Apple 6/13/2024

Mexico: Former Mayor, PRD, Shot/Killed in Restaraunt He Owned 6/16/2024

Wikipedia PRD: Party of Democratic Revolution

City of Michoacan: "In a period of less than a year ... a candidate for Municipal President, two candidates and a former mayor..." have been killed [source]

AIM Architecture transforms oil silos in China into community park 6/16/2024

Six Democrats Join With House GOP to Pass $833 Billion Pentagon Budget 6/14/2024

I don't care for this groups language. SOFT language people!!! I don't want to investigate the particulars. Democrats voted against. I don't know why specifically. Our military equal partnership will ROCK bros!!! It will be tied in with a NEWS team, that's WAY better than our INFERIOR NPR team we have now. I listened to NPR for WEEKS doing mind work. You remember our news team allied with our Communist Allied Radio Station: 195 countries. Volunteers pick a country, news is covered by population. We're all COMMUNIST allied within this news group of volunteers, so our team will ROCK!!!

So for example, China has a huge population, so they'll get a TON of coverage. Coverage in proportion with population. You're a China team member and your stories you vote up as a group, within our lie detected Communist Allied team get up to the front page in proportion to China's population. These volunteers will have contacts all over the world as unpaid volunteers. Pick your crisis, we have team that is PRO in that country. These guys saw the Ukraine events for YEARS. They KNOW Ukraine. They talk to people in Ukraine. They know Ukraine. They talk to people in Russia. They know what's up. They've knows Ukraine for YEARS because THAT'S THEIR DAILY READ!!!!! They read Ukraine news every day and update a section of our Communist Allied Radio Station's website. SIMPLE!!! I've been trying to get Democracy Now to let me build this for them for a long time. Their brains are not computing this BASIC logic to us for some reason!!!!

EVERY country is covered PEOPLE!!!! How the FUCK do you turn that down? But they do!!! So when this Communist Allied Radio Station gets going in 30 years, we'll do this ourself!!!! And it will ROCK!!!

I was looking at BBC's Mexico section. DAYS go by with no coverage. People in THIS country still think unemployment is a single digit number!!!! THAT'S our news bros!!! TERRIBLE!!! Our news is "Hey write me a law that gives my business money. We'll call it The News Hour." And our NPR and PBS laws are written. LITERALLY a little private business was the EDITOR and NEWS decider of "our" show called The News Hour on PBS. It was a PRIVATE BUSINESS!!!! I HATE these people bros!!! They're SICK!!!

CHIPS law is the last example I can remember of the top of my head. A shift of our tax dollars to these computer chip companies. SICK dudes. Our Communist Allied Radio Station will ROCK bros!!! And our political group composed of the SAME members will REPLACE all these Democrats with BETTER Democrats bros. IMPEACHMENT!!! For THAT!!! Are you INSANE!!! These guys WANDERED in from the crowd and you're going to blame the guy who's NAME is on the banner? HOW? And ALL my Democrats voted for impeachment!!! ALL of them!!! So we're going to replace ALL of them!!! They're INSANE people running the world bros!!! 30 years from now. In other countries they murdered my kind away. "Oh the Communists are talking about replacing our candidates with better candidates. Murder them away." And they DID!!! They ROUNDED up Communists and MURDERED them away!!! You remember 25% of the population of the United States were CONVICTS shipped from England. HALF the population in prison is violent. HALF. Plus the African convicts. And you remember the cities with the highest crime. NIGGER cities bros!!! ALL nigger cities!!! We not like mom and dad. We different!! So niggers today not like niggers in 1860 or so when the civil war happened.

Our Communist Allied Radio Station will ROCK bros!!!


Good To Know

47% of Americans 'Agree With Ban On Slaughterhouses'
5% of Americans are vegetarian. 3% are vegan.
175 Mexican politicians were purged by murder between September 2017 and August 2018.
68% of the 101 political candidates killed during the 2020-2021 cycle were from the LEFT.

 70% of Americans Want Marijuana Legal
87% of Democrats favor legalization. 55% of Republicans support legalization.
One study found 51% of 139 homeless lacked basic English writing skills.

6% of scientists are Republican

64% of American's approve of labor unions.

82% of Democrats approve of labor unions. 45% of Republicans approve of labor unions.

62% of Americans in favor of raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour.

Over 40% of workers make $15 and less. $15 is just a bit more than the minimum wage's high point of $14.39 in 1968, if you account for inflation. [source 1] [source 2

39% of Americans don't have $400 available to spend.

38% have a favorable view of socialism 

The wealthiest 20% own 80% of all assets.

One acre of land can make about 387 times more potatoes than cows. [source]

Members of Congress make 12 times the average United States citizen

U.S. newsroom employment has dropped by a quarter since 2008

In 2017, 59% of Russians said the collapse of the Soviet Union was a bad thing. [source]

Almost all U.S. presidents have been a member of a religion. [source]

Nearly ALL members of Congress are members of a religion. [source

Religious people are more likely to be Republican. [source]

47% of Americans belong to a church [source

Fired For An Email To Jeff Bezos 
Unlit Earth Equal Profit BOOK and T-Shirt that might get you fired.

Unlit Earth 1 was hacked (gov access hacker)

Mind Master Stuff
A 14 page Book I wrote: Mind Masters and Matter Waves - Korean Translation - Spanish
You can buy a hard copy of this book for $14.49

If you know anyone who can turn this book into a movie, GENIUS!

Become a contributor of Best of Mind Talents and Altered Reality. Another equal profit book.

Password Idea: [memorized bit] + [random characters you print out] (make COPIES!)
Random characters as your email is more difficult for mind pickers.

How to leak: use a go between. "Hey I need you to mail this for me." to someone you don't know.

You know if all you have is a shadow as animals and in comes all these humans with their air conditioners that shoves all their HOT into your shadows, that's really not fair. It takes HEAT to make COLD and all human HEAT ends up OUTSIDE!!!! THANKS human!!! All we have are these shadows and the word SNOW bros. Humans are shadow robbers!!! AND we're at 25,448,350,920 animals killed for food so far THIS YEAR!!!! 25.5 BILLION!

Imagine a very small save from Sun hell system of a shade, turned so the Sun never heats the shade past 122 F, which I've discovered is my threshold for pain. Our shade never passes 122 F. Our land LOVES us. The land under the shade. The SHADE loves us. And the ultimate system is an auto shader that uses expanding air and leverage to turn the shade. I measured the ground once: 133 F when the temperature says 80 something in the shade. The weather reports say 80 something but not the 133 F the ground experiences. So your auto or manual shade system is a HUGE save for the land you cover. The land doesn't forget you. And of course the land LOVES you if you can keep it at a perfect temperature. We're 98.6 F.

But there's this problem. If you have a perfect auto shade system, your micro matter wave sets don't have any COOLING for their forward motion. We're 98.6 F. But we need COOLING. We breathe and we drink water. I think of this as COOLING of the Oxygen in air and water, not the Oxygen. And Oxygen 98.6 or hotter is a problem. There's NO COOLING in it. I could be wrong. Oxygen as a matter wave corollary of our solar system. 8 electrons and 8 planets. Solar system waves out as a matter wave set, becomes the OORT. Air and Water for COOLING. But of course the Oxygen may be the same as food: a stronger past of us that averages out decay with a past better state. I don't see food as an energy of the body, I see it as a feel good that averages our decaying system back to a better system. The matter waves of us in the better APPLE seed make us feel good. More copies of us feel good within the apple seed loop, and those strong copies of us make us feel good.

I also noticed we slip into all animals. We all become everything. Snow snow snow snow.

If there better copies of us in these seeds, think of the harm we do when we throw these seeds into the oven!!! Your APPLE becomes apple pie, but it also NUKES copies of us inside the apple.

Ultimately it's just expect perfect while moving the land to perfect temperature. The same way we expect into birds performing fancy flights when we're outside and become birds, we more generally simply expect to perfect and it's an expect within the UNIVERSE because a matter wave copy of the entire universe is at the center of our intellect.

Expect perfect, expect perfect, expect perfect, expect perfect as your life, while transitioning the land to feel better.

The land HATES this word "better" because the land knows that means not perfect. 98.6 as perfect for the land, or 105 as perfect for the land but 98.6 and 105 is hot for animals.

Our team would have to do a lot of experimentation in hot 98.6 weather. This HOT 98.6 seems very DANGEROUS because there's no COOLING!!!! No cooling of we. But that's what the land wants. So that's a problem.

If we don't make the land perfect, the land outnumbers us by volume. That's a lot of matter not liking us. But if we make the land perfect at 98.6 then that hurts our micro sets down in the land that want the land to be 72 F.

Of course if you imagine the land as fully occupied by micro matter wave sets of we, then we're happy. There's a flow from nice cold of 72 into our warm bodies. It's a gravity fall. So while the land feels unhappy at 72 F, it will flow into we, who have nice warm bodies at 98.6 F. So that works. 



Antarctica Matter Route
After all the ice melts: map



McMurdo Station, Antarctica: -3 °F (at time of writing)

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