Random Unlit Earth Supporter

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Labor Force Participation: 62.5% ↓

President Elect: Republican
Congress Elect: Republicans
Senate Elect: Republicans

Contact Unlit Earth (redeem ticket this way)

Communist Allied Radio Station
Equal Partnership: $10/year

Today's Best of Reddit
Just click on everything without reading the title makes it easy.

ITAP of a black sand beach

ITAP of frosty trees in thick fog.

ITAP of a lady

ITAP of Lake Ponchartrain

ITAP of Edinburgh Castle

ITAP of the Avatar mountains

ITAP of Seven Sisters cliffs (UK) from a different angle

ITAP of the Black Tusk, Garibaldi Provincial Park

ITAP of this seaside village

ITAP of a cloud inversion at sunset in Tasmania Australia

ITAP of a sunset I took

ITAP of a cloudy valley - Sapa Vietnam

ITAP of Galata Tower in Istanbul

ITAP of the water!

ITAP of my wife at Magnolia Plantation Charleston, SC

ITAP of a storm in Canyonlands NP

ITAP of Malta

ITAP of tea plantations

Man, dog, and the Himalayas nature’s scale

Pyramids, Tourists, Camels

Independence Day Clouds NYC - taken on SI Ferry

SpaceX Falcon 9 launch

Images Courtesy of NASA/JPL-Caltech, incredible images of Neptune from the Voyager 2 flyby in 1989.

Different views of Sutro Tower in San Francisco

Simplicity in the Serengeti

Chicago Cloudbar

Last days of the highest church in the world

Black hole shoots a plasma beam through space. Captured by NASA.

The outdoors, South-Holland, The Netherlands

Sun from Houston, Texas today

Not a perfect pic.. But the ocean, the sky, and a little peace for the soul is

Coral reef as seen from a helicopter in Australia

Himalayan town, Shimla, India

Jumping the gap at Globe Mills in Sacramento California.

ITAP of in a foggy forest.

ITAP of this sunset view

ITAP of Qutb

ITAP of a boat and a rock

ITAP of a river in Meghalaya

ITAP of a souvenir shop

ITAP of the bay on Corfu Island

ITAP of a road

ITAP of an abandoned ship

ITAP of a vineyard in the fall

ITAP of the Grand Mosque in Abu Dhabi

Monterrey Stadium in Mexico is set to be one of the Venues for the 2026 FIFA World Cup.

God I love roadtripping: Bryce Canyon

Baghdad 2003

ITAP of the horizon from Midtown Manhattan

ITAP of a university building

The Kopp-Etchells effect, caused by dust hitting the rotor blades


Thanks to Google Images for help finding car prices every day and other content for this website. Their translate software helps me find news in other languages every day. They deserve a Nobel Prize for their contribution to world knowledge, understanding and creating a quicker pace of world improvement.

Their Chromebook also ROCKS bros. I'm REALLY broke right now and these Chromebooks are around $40 and play video great. 


Science Fiction 
These are GENIUS mind portals.

The Superb Sci-Fi Artworks of Louis Laurent


Velomobiles / Electric Bikes 
The future: elevated, air conditioned electric bike tunnels along the most congested roads.

Super 73 - R Adventure LE
cost: $4,595.00
range: 40 miles
top speed: 20 mph  [source]


39% of the U.S. Population Can't Afford $400 
The less money you have, the more likely you are to be a Democrat. [source]

Trump’s plan to incarcerate the homeless 12/17/2024

"His plan proposes creating large encampments on “cheap” land, where the unsheltered would be required to live and receive services from social workers, treatment specialists and behavioral health professionals. Those who refuse to comply would be incarcerated or committed to mental health institutions."

Poll: Donald Trump Favorability

48.7% dislike, 46.4% like

The Wealthy: People Who Run The World
The more money you have, the more likely you are to be a Republican. [source]
Members of Congress make 12 times the average United States citizen

Trailer: The Gorge [source]

Sigourney Weaver total wealth: $60 million

For the most noble people on the the planet, who know how to kill and get away with it: Donnie King, CEO of one of the largest slaughter house businesses in the United States, Tyson Foods, lives here: 

5229 Saint Andrews Dr, Fayetteville AR 72704. [source]

Google Maps


Union Strikes
These actions will STOP after we repeal section 7 of the National Labor Relations Act. 

"...City of Fresno Professional Employees Association or CFPEA, which represents 400 supervisors...."

Section 7 of the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) states in part, 'Employees shall have the right. . . to engage in other concerted activities for the purpose of collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection.' Strikes are included among the concerted activities protected for employees by this section." [source]


Other top of the day

53,400,306,558 animals killed by humans so far this year, for food as of writing. [source]




Fired For An Email To Jeff Bezos 
Unlit Earth Equal Profit BOOK and T-Shirt that might get you fired.

ADD YOUR STORY to a BOOK of Amazon stories we all share the profit of.

Unlit Earth 1 was hacked (gov access hacker)

Mind Master Stuff
A 14 page Book I wrote: Mind Masters and Matter Waves - Korean Translation - Spanish
You can buy a hard copy of this book for $14.49

If you know anyone who can turn this book into a movie, GENIUS!

Become a contributor of Best of Mind Talents and Altered Reality. Another equal profit book.

Password Idea: [memorized bit] + [random characters you print out] (make COPIES!)
Random characters as your email is more difficult for mind pickers.
You can also use a QR code scanner to extend your memorized password with random characters.

How to leak: use a go between. "Hey I need you to mail this for me." to someone you don't know.


Antarctica Matter Route
After all the ice melts: map. Sea levels will rise 3-6.6 feet by 2100 [source]

Antarctica: 27 °F (at time of writing)

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