Random Unlit Earth Supporter

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Labor Force Participation: 62.5% ↓

President Elect: Republican
Congress Elect: Republicans
Senate Elect: Republicans

Contact Unlit Earth (redeem ticket this way)

Communist Allied Radio Station
Equal Partnership: $10/year

Today's Best of Reddit
Just click on everything without reading the title makes it easy.

ITAP of some infrastructure from above

ITAP of Madeira

ITAP of a group of herons at sunset

ITAP of a Bridge

ITAP of mountain range in Manaslu this September

ITAP of a government building besides Spree river in Berlin

Ladakh India

Bergen 1994, oil rig in for repairs collides with bridge due to heavy winds.

Most popular sport in Asian Countries

The perfect shadow does not exis....

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

My GT3RS Delivery

2025 Porsche 911 GT3 / GT3 RS: $224,495–$243,295

Please do not report or shoot down

Concept cars from the GitS live action remake

they are different places but which one you like better? both feel cozy love them both


Thanks to Google Images for help finding car prices every day and other content for this website. Their translate software helps me find news in other languages every day. They deserve a Nobel Prize for their contribution to world knowledge, understanding and creating a quicker pace of world improvement.

Their Chromebook also ROCKS bros. I'm REALLY broke right now and these Chromebooks are around $40 and play video great. 


Science Fiction 
These are GENIUS mind portals.

Desert City

Another City

It's very odd the Earth formed the way it did. Somehow murderers took over the Earth and fed themselves by killing other animals. Very KIND people adopted this murderer standards because they simply adopted a practice they were TAUGHT!!!! That would sound very ODD to fish who probably live in complete MISERY as cold things until the warm body of a bird becomes their new home. Little dish matter wave corollaries swimming around inside a warm bird. What do they eat? If you're the bird, I supposed your would only want to eat plant eating fish. Everyone's happy now. The fish matter wave corollaries are warm eating plants. The plant defeating photon burn alive continues on inside the fish I suppose.

It's very sad that murderer humans took over the Earth, killing cows, chickens, pigs, turkeys, and all the other animals. It's quite EVIL what these humans do. A full HALF of the population is for BANNING slaughter houses. So we're almost there. But from the cows perspective: "how do you not KILL all these people who house me on this land, drive me to a kill factory and then kill me away?" How do you not pick up your gun and BLOW these people away human? And I'm with the cow completely. 

It's quite shocking to me in thousands of years of humans killing other animals, not ONE war as an effort to KILL away all the slaughter house people. They're quite evil. Cows eat grass. They don't hurt any other creature. They're quite wonderful animals. What a containment of anger horses must do when they resist MURDERING HUMANS AWAY!!!! 


Velomobiles / Electric Bikes 
The future: elevated, air conditioned electric bike tunnels along the most congested roads.

Ampd Bros Ace-X Pro
cost: $4,490.00
range: 62 miles
top speed: 31 mph

 WAY overpriced at $4,490.00, but looks cool.

39% of the U.S. Population Can't Afford $400 
The less money you have, the more likely you are to be a Democrat. [source]

Bryan, Ohio: "...decided to house homeless people inside his church because they had nowhere else to go. He was charged with 18 zoning violations by the city...." [source]

NY City: "Four homeless men were charged with assault and robbery after prosecutors said they tried to rob another homeless man on the 7 train in Woodside over the weekend." [source]


The Wealthy: People Who Run The World
The more money you have, the more likely you are to be a Republican. [source]
Members of Congress make 12 times the average United States citizen

Movie Trailer: September 5 [originally found here]

Peter Sarsgaard's total wealth: $25 million


For the most noble people on the the planet, who know how to kill and get away with it: Donnie King, CEO of one of the largest slaughter house businesses in the United States, Tyson Foods, lives here: 

5229 Saint Andrews Dr, Fayetteville AR 72704. [source]


Union Strikes
These actions will STOP after we repeal section 7 of the National Labor Relations Act.

"More than 5,000 Starbucks workers walked off the job Tuesday, shutting down more than 300 locations nationwide...."

Section 7 of the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) states in part, 'Employees shall have the right. . . to engage in other concerted activities for the purpose of collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection.' Strikes are included among the concerted activities protected for employees by this section." [source]


Other top of the day

Gaza Ministry of Health: 45,361 killed by Israel 12/25/2025 

18 days ago: 45,097 killed by Israel 12/6/2024

13.9 killed per day over last 19 days

For new people: The United States House of Representatives Vote 269-144 to prohibit the State Department From Using Statistics from the Gaza Ministry of Health [source]

"A group of 62 Democrats joined all but two Republicans in voting for the measure." [source]

Lebanon: 3,961 killed by Israel 11/25/2024

20 days ago: 3,013 killed by Israel 11/5/2024

4.74 killed per day over last 20 days.

Other statistics from that article:

1.2 million displaced

501 square miles of  agriculture land destroyed

= 22.4 by 22.4 miles [source]

4.6 square miles of forests destroyed

 = 2.14 by 2.14 miles [source]


The Democracy of Syria taken over by force and Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham's director of Foreign Relations becomes Syria's new Foreign Minister 12/25/2025

Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham "...designated a terrorist group by the United States...." [source]

You remember the Ba'ath Party is a SOCIALIST party, it's motto: "Unity, Freedom, Socialism" [source]

 17 days ago: Bashar al-Assad arrived in Moscow with his family 12/8/2024

Yemen: Israel receives fifth Houthi attack in a week 12/25/2024

Israeli Air Force Commander Major General Tomer Bar said on Wednesday that his air force had attacked the Houthi group in Yemen three times. 12/25/2024

Yemen: Al-Houthi announces the arrest of Mossad and CIA agents in Yemen 12/25/2024

Yemen: Houthi militia announced targeting central Israel with a ballistic missile 12/25/2024

Yemen: Somali Al-Shabaab elements arrive in Yemen to support Houthi militia in land and sea operations 12/25/2024

"...actively involved in the ongoing Somali Civil War and incorporates elements of Somali nationalism into its Islamist cause. Allegiant to the militant pan-Islamist organization al-Qaeda since 2012."

You remember Houthi approval numbers:

Houthi controlled areas: 8% approval

Government controlled areas: 3% approval

Divided control areas: 3% approval


Israel: We will start targeting Houthi leaders 12/25/2025

Son of the founder of Houthi runs his own private prison 12/25/2024

"...established his own prison in which he arbitrarily detains citizens and activists opposed to the group...."

"The bald eagle is now officially the national bird of the US, after President Joe Biden signed a law on Christmas Eve bestowing the honour upon the white-headed and yellow-beaked bird of prey." [source]

Poll: Only 19% of Americans are satisfied with the current state of the country 12/25/2024

"On Tuesday, banking industry and business groups sued the Federal Reserve, accusing it of violating the law by conducting annual stress tests on the banking industry." [source]

"The groups said they do not want to cancel the stress testing program but they believe the process needs to be more transparent and responsive to public feedback."

In Kennesaw, Georgia: Everyone must own a gun and ammo. 12/23/2024

Saudi Arabia's non-oil exports rise 12.7% in October 12/25/2024

For new people: Saudi Arabia is run by murderers who robbed their citizens of $800 billion and own the largest oil refinery in the United States. Saudi Arabia buys massive weapons from the United States and Europe. One of their projects: The Line, is a 105 mile long skyscraper.

You remember Donald Trump's Deputy secretary of Defense "Stephen Feinberg is co-CEO of Cerberus Capital Management, which owns a company that provided training to members of the hit squad that murdered..." Washington Post journalist Jamal Kashoggi. [source 1] [source 2]

"A missile cruiser reportedly targeted two of its own F/A-18 jets during an operation against Yemen’s Houthis" [source]

US citizen sentenced to 15 years for espionage in Russia 12/24/2024

Multiple Russian regions ban crypto mining 12/24/2024

Israel Attacks Two Hospitals in Northern Gaza 12/24/2024

Pope Francis Condemns Israel on Gaza 12/23/2024

US Data-Center Power Use Could Nearly Triple By 2028 12/24/2024

Photo: Barikka Light 12/18/2024

Photo: Standing Strong 12/17/2024

I don't care for the Ocean bros. I prefer Mountains.

Astronomy Photo of the Day: GC 660: Polar Ring Galaxy 12/18/2024

Taliban claims Pakistani airstrikes killed 46 12/25/2024

"Pakistani security officials told the AP their mission was to kill insurgents and bomb a training facility." 



Fired For An Email To Jeff Bezos 
Unlit Earth Equal Profit BOOK and T-Shirt that might get you fired.

ADD YOUR STORY to a BOOK of Amazon stories we all share the profit of.

Unlit Earth 1 was hacked (gov access hacker)

Mind Master Stuff
A 14 page Book I wrote: Mind Masters and Matter Waves - Korean Translation - Spanish
You can buy a hard copy of this book for $14.49

If you know anyone who can turn this book into a movie, GENIUS!

Become a contributor of Best of Mind Talents and Altered Reality. Another equal profit book.

Password Idea: [memorized bit] + [random characters you print out] (make COPIES!)
Random characters as your email is more difficult for mind pickers.
You can also use a QR code scanner to extend your memorized password with random characters.

How to leak: use a go between. "Hey I need you to mail this for me." to someone you don't know.

My book is 30 pages: Mind Masters and Matter Waves

And it's FREE, unless you want to buy a hard copy for $14.49


Antarctica Matter Route
After all the ice melts: map. Sea levels will rise 3-6.6 feet by 2100 [source]

Antarctica: 23 °F (at time of writing)

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