Labor Force Participation: 62.5% ↓
ITAP of my wife in a rainy bamboo forest [Portrait]
ITAP of a skydiver over Taylor Southgate Bridge
ITAP of snowy mountains afar in Lake Tahoe, California
ITAP of the pyramid of king Khufu
ITAP of a view of the sleeping knight in Zakopane
Olympus Mons, Mars. The tallest mountain in our Solar system.
A boy enjoys his ice cream as he sits on a sea mine washed up on the beach at Deal in Kent, UK 1940.
Flying near a nuclear power plant in France (April 2023)
Perelman Performing Arts Center NYC
The future of transportation races past the past
ITAP of a cruise ship in Santorini , Greece
ITAP of Clouds reflecting in aThermal pool
ITAP of margarita Island-Venezuela
ITAP of sunlight cutting through falling water from above
Merdeka 118 turns into a doomsday tower at night
[OC] The New Majority: How America’s Racial and Ethnic Landscape is Changing
Thanks to Google Images for help finding car prices every day and other content for this website. Their translate software helps me find news in other languages every day. They deserve a Nobel Prize for their contribution to world knowledge, understanding and creating a quicker pace of world improvement.
Their Chromebook also ROCKS bros. I'm REALLY broke right now and these Chromebooks are around $40 and play video great.
The Superb Digital Artworks of Mikhail Delov
Movcan V30
cost: $579.00range: 37 milestop speed: 28 mph
I love the style of this one. And Cheaper. Ours will be $500 for an electric velomobile.
The less money you have, the more likely you are to be a Democrat. [source]
Six Washington State cities pass anti-homeless laws after Supreme Court decision 12/30/2024
Supreme Court Case:
"In 2018, a group of homeless residents sued the city of Grants Pass, arguing that the fines and jail time violated the Eighth Amendment’s prohibition on cruel and unusual punishment because there were not enough shelter spaces in town and people experiencing homelessness had no alternative but to sleep in public."
A big equal partnership on initial build will be a BUSINESS that we all own, turning homeless into software programmers. These guys learn to READ and then go on to programming. You remember the tiny fraction London pays for their homeless program: $0.58 per day.
Cost of housing homeless people in London £4m a day 10/26/2024
"More than 183,000 Londoners are estimated to be homeless and living in temporary accommodation arranged by councils, the highest-ever level of recorded homelessness in the capital."
London population: 8,866,180 [source]
183,000 / 8,866,180 = .02
So 2% of London is homeless.
4 million / 8,866,180 = £0.45
So everyone in London pays £0.45 per day or £164.67
£4 million / 183,000 = £21.85So homeless in London get £21.85 per day
As of writing this is $28.35
So we simply expand this out to include 39% of the population that do not have a job. Hopefully our COMPUTER ALL equal partnership also become our programming jobs for homeless and 39%. Economies of scale. Because our voting threshold is 80% to get stuff passed into action, we only risk losing 20% of membership. This 39% are people who have parents and other people who support them. Our programming group pays their food expenses and ties them in to a group of programmers. We can offer other people an internship into this group as a university system of the same group. This is where our LIE DETECTION equal partnership comes into play. This LIE DETECTION equal partnership can vet all these software people for CHEATING within our university system and for HONESTY. NO HACKERS!!! No murdering state sponsored hackers get in to this group. Yes, a murdering state can still place people inside this group, but why bother when we give ALL our code out to other members of other countries. These equal partnership will be GLOBAL.
You remember the model. Rather than COMPETE, we SHARE all knowledge with all knowledge and no small country is every outvoted by the large majority. We can run these equal partnerships in countries run by murderers. These guys need jobs just like anyone and these groups all over the world are GENIUS sources of information for what it's like in the country.
Remember these are PROFITABLE equal partnerships. WE'RE the buyer, so why not own what we buy. Our COMPUTER ALL equal partnership will need initial seed funding, but once we're off and running, it becomes self sufficient with advertisement for our Google Replacement if we can't flat out BUY Google and computer sales.
Computers make the world WAY more efficient, so it will be EXTREMELY important for this COMPUTER ALL for profit business to be HIGH up as a priority for everyone:
Computer All
If we all own the COMPUTER ALL equal partnership then contracts ALL go to the computer ALL group. Remember we're BIGGER than Google because we own everything within this group: Search Engine, Chip Manufacturing, Computer manufacturing. Because we're a SEARCH Engine, we're also SOFTWARE people, meaning when our other groups need software it's a simple matter to have our team write the software. A revision control system, the system coders use to collaborate:
"Who's code is x?"
"Who added that line of code that kicks ass?"
All that is recorded within our Revision Control System and so making LAWS group becomes a simple extension of the same group: software people. ALL our websites for ALL our equal partnerships rely on this thing, this GLOBAL equal partnership. We need X, done.
This is a BUSINESS so there's the same consideration within the new government equal partnerships: should be do this in house and OWN it all. KNOW it all. TRUST it all, or should we depend on a BUSINES. Through time we become more and more dependent on these businesses that we DO NOT OWN!!!
But if this COMPUTER ALL equal partnership becomes a CENTRAL important BUILD at the outset of this equal partnership build system and we have MASSIVE ownership of this computer all group, then of COURSE we choose our own equal partnership. WE OWN IT!!! We're the SAME PEOPLE!!! We go with our own equal partnership BUSINESS. We end up with a fabulously integrated team this way, WITH economies of scale.
ALL software and computer builds of these equal partnership government groups AUTOMATICALLY go the "computer all equal partnership will build that" route.
WAY better software solutions because the groups are always talking and owned by the same people
The more money you have, the more likely you are to be a Republican. [source]
Number #1 on the radio again: Mariah Carey - All I Want For Christmas
Mariah Carey's total wealth: $350 million
You remember our TAX equal partnership will decide on a TAX rate at 80% approval and then take all wealth of what we decide. 40% can't afford $400, but that's only 40% of the vote. I don't know what people will decide: everything past $100,000, $200,000, $300,000, a million. I don't know. The world is extremely unfair. EXTREMELY smart people have $0 while idiots run around with millions running the world. The lower the number at 80% approval, the better and this needs to be a HUGE theme of this group.
What's the lowest number we can't get this number at? $50,000? What's the lowest number we can get this number to at 80% approval.
For the most noble people on the the planet, who know how to kill and get away with it: Donnie King, CEO of one of the largest slaughter house businesses in the United States, Tyson Foods, lives here:
5229 Saint Andrews Dr, Fayetteville AR 72704. [source]
Union Strikes
These actions will STOP after we repeal section 7 of the National Labor Relations Act.
National Labor Relations Act:
"The National Labor Relations Act of 1935, also known as the Wagner Act, is a foundational statute of United States labor law that guarantees the right of private sector employees to organize into trade unions, engage in collective bargaining, and take collective action such as strikes. Central to the act was a ban on company unions. The act was written by Senator Robert F. Wagner, passed by the 74th United States Congress, and signed into law by President Franklin D. Roosevelt."
Section 7 of the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) states in part, 'Employees shall have the right. . . to engage in other concerted activities for the purpose of collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection.' Strikes are included among the concerted activities protected for employees by this section." [source]
Gaza Ministry of Health: 45,541 killed by Israel 12/30/2024
4 days ago: 45,388 killed by Israel 12/26/2024
Yesterday: 45,361 killed by Israel 12/25/2024
38.25 killed per day over the last 4 days
For new people: The United States House of Representatives Vote 269-144 to prohibit the State Department From Using Statistics from the Gaza Ministry of Health [source]"A group of 62 Democrats joined all but two Republicans in voting for the measure." [source]
Since the beginning of 2024, Israel has struck Syria 95 times: 78 air strike and 17 ground strikes. [source]
Syria: Kuwaiti Foreign Ministry: Minister and GCC Secretary General arrive in Syria 12/30/2024
The Kuwait invasion makes sense now eh?
Syria: New Syrian administration appoints foreign Islamist fighters to army, some with high rank 12/30/2024
Syria: Egyptian fugitive appointed to leadership position in Ministry of Defense 12/30/2024
Syria: Syrian Foreign Minister: We look forward to building strategic relations with Saudi Arabia 12/30/2024
For new people: Saudi Arabia is run by murderers who robbed their citizens of $800 billion and own the largest oil refinery in the United States. Saudi Arabia buys massive weapons from the United States and Europe. One of their projects: The Line, is a 105 mile long skyscraper.
Syria: More than half of Syria's children are out of school 12/30/2024
Yemen: Houthi militia kidnaps former official in Ibb 12/30/2024
"...former director of the General Slaughterhouse Corporation...."
Yemen: Houthi kill / torture pregnant woman 12/30/2024
"Houthi militia stormed the victim's home in the "Markouda" camp for displaced persons in the village of Al-Shajira in the Al-Duraihimi district, south of Al-Hodeidah, and forcibly kidnapped her. More than two weeks later, her body was found in the Dukhnan desert, northwest of the directorate, showing signs of horrific torture...."
Yemen: Woman injured by Houthi snipers in Al-Dhale' 12/30/2024
Google Maps: Al Dhale’e, Yemen
Yemen: Ports of Hodeidah have been shut down since December 18, after Israeli Raid in Hodeidah
"...ships are still stuck in the ports, unable to leave or unload their cargo."
"The disruption has led to severe fuel shortages and soaring prices of basic commodities...."
Yemen: Al-Qaeda in Yemen announces execution of 11 people, including a journalist 12/29/2024
"The Yemeni Houthi group announced on Sunday that its forces had carried out 13 military operations against Israel in 10 days." [source]
Yemen: New Houthi Tax: "Supporting the Judiciary" 12/30/2024
"The Houthi militia continues to plunder citizens' money by imposing illegal levies under several names, including: the Teacher Support Fund, the Judiciary Support Fund, the Hodeidah Electricity Support Fund."
One example in the courts: "six thousand riyals under the name of the 'Judicial Support Fund'"
= $23.96 [source]
Former President Jimmy Carter Dies at 100 12/30/2024
Gunmen Kill 2 Haitian Journalists Covering Reopening of Port-au-Prince Hospital 12/26/2024
Israeli Raid Puts Last Hospital in Besieged Northern Gaza Out of Service 12/28/2024
'A Policy Choice': US Report Finds Homelessness Soared 18% This Year 12/27/2024
"This year, the HUD report states, 'a total of 771,480 people—or about 23 of every 10,000 people in the United States—experienced homelessness in an emergency shelter, safe haven, transitional housing program, or in unsheltered locations across the country.'"
Israeli Strike on Press Van Kills Five Palestinian Journalists in Gaza 12/26/2024
Ecuador: Ecuadorian assemblywoman's spouse murdered 12/30/2024
Columbia: Pastor and and his family shot and killed in a restaraunt. 12/30/2024
What is the average cost of food for a single person? $336.395
$336.395 = average of "$238.46 to $434.33" which is the average of a single person's food budget. [source]
So this figure of 771,480 homeless * $336.395 = $771,143.605
60% of the population that HAS jobs is 341,131,893 * 0.60 = 204,679,135.8
So $771,480 / 204,679,135.8 = about 0.4 cents. per month per person. EASY!!!
Food for the 40% who don't have jobs would cost the 60%
341,131,893 * .4 = 136,452,757.2
136,452,757.2 people within 40% * 336.395 = $45,902,025,258.30Total cost to feed 40% who don't have jobs = $45,902,025,258.30$45,902,025,258.30 / 60% of the population that HAS a job or 204,679,135.8 = $224.26That's $224.26 per month for everyone with a job to cover the salary of the TAKE CARE OF 40% programming group. That's not cheap. We don't pay this group a SALARY other than FOOD.You can imagine a better way would be simply sharing the cost of a programming INSTRUCT equal partnership. It's a huge programming UNIVERSITY equal partnership where we don't PAY anyone. All the people who live at home with their parents can go through these programming classes for as long as it takes them. No payment of food to anyone, just a programming UNIVERSITY system where everyone learns to code.Then these people MAY be hired by the COMPUTER ALL equal partnership. These guys have parents to take care of them. You see how cheap taking care of homeless is though .4 cents for the 60% who have a job. EASY.
Astronomy Photo of the day: Methane Bubbles Frozen in Lake Baikal 12/29/2024
Astronomy Photo of the day: A December Winter Night 12/28/2024
Unlit Earth Equal Profit BOOK and T-Shirt that might get you fired.
ADD YOUR STORY to a BOOK of Amazon stories we all share the profit of.
A 14 page Book I wrote: Mind Masters and Matter Waves - Korean Translation - Spanish
You can buy a hard copy of this book for $14.49
If you know anyone who can turn this book into a movie, GENIUS!
Become a contributor of Best of Mind Talents and Altered Reality. Another equal profit book.
Password Idea: [memorized bit] + [random characters you print out] (make COPIES!)
Random characters as your email is more difficult for mind pickers.
How to leak: use a go between. "Hey I need you to mail this for me." to someone you don't know.
My book is 30 pages: Mind Masters and Matter Waves
And it's FREE, unless you want to buy a hard copy for $14.49
Antarctica: 26 °F (at time of writing)
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