Random Unlit Earth Supporter

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Labor Force Participation: 62.6% ↑

President Elect: Republican
Congress Elect: Republicans
Senate Elect: Republicans

Contact Unlit Earth (redeem ticket this way)

Unlit Earth 2 Communist Allied Radio Station
Equal Partnership: $10/year

Today's Best of Reddit
Just click on everything without reading the title makes it easy.

ITAP of a hole in a glacier

ITAP of the rooftops of Prague.

ITAP of a Blue Heron and it's reflection

ITAP of Mt Fuji over Lake Kawaguchi

ITAP of a forest

ITAP of some Sequoias

ITAP of a lighthouse

ITAP of the SS United States arriving into Mobile Bay this morning

ITAP of a Sugar Mill and Dark Sky

ITAP of a lighthouse in Iceland

ITAP of sand

ITAP of the Needles ( Isle of Wight)

ITAP of a street corner in NYC

ITAP of a building

ITAP of a helicopter lifting a swimming pool up to the top of a hill

ITAP of cars in heavy fog

ITAP of a scene at the Gap of Dunloe in County Kerry, Ireland

ITAP of an intersection..

Head of FBI's New York division forced to retire after telling agents to "dig in"

Assistant director of the FBI's New York division wrote: "Today, we find ourselves in the middle of a battle of our own, as good people are being walked out of the FBI and others are being targeted because they did their jobs in accordance with the law and FBI policy" [source]

Trump purge hits Chips Act office, two-fifths of staff to be terminated | Two-fifths of the staff of the U.S. Chips Program Office are to be terminated, with 60 employees leaving today.

HUGE corruption investigation. Our party, very STUPIDLY voted FOR this. The vote was 219 Democrats for and 187 Republicans against. [source]

CHIPS and Science Act "...the act authorizes roughly $280 billion in new funding to boost domestic research and manufacturing of semiconductors in the United States, for which it appropriates $52.7 billion." [source]

This is why we're getting rid of EVERY Democrat and replacing them with better Democrats. ALL of them should be fired, JUST for impeachment. 

Incredible gymnastic move!

Rafale in a nuclear strike config with an ASMP-A nuclear supersonic missile (300 Kt of diplomacy) [1345x2020]

Edinburgh, Scotland

Strange and beautiful residential buildings

Art is everywhere, but not every artist gets noticed

Ontario will cut off U.S. electricity exports 'with a smile on my face,' Ford says
TIL there were no pigs in North America until Europeans arrived.

TIL = Today I Learned [source]

Medellín Columbia

Precarious Facades

The insurmountable strength and resilience of the Palestinian people: scenes from Ramadan iftar in Gaza March 1, 2025

A video from 1937 about how a differential works

All cars need a LOCKING rear differential for when we're driving in a straight line. Maybe all cars have this now, tied to steering or something.

Driver pulls out in front of me from a dead stop (OC)


Porsche 911 Carrera: $120,100

City of London

Trump DEI directive ignored by many NJ school districts | NJ Spotlight News

Quote from letter from the Department of Education: "...colleges, universities, and K-12 schools have routinely used race as a factor in admissions, financial aid, hiring, training, and other institutional programming." [source]

But if these schools WANT a more INCLUSIVE group of people, they hire TOP niggers within their NIGGER quota.

And SO!!! That's up to the school!! "We want NIGGERS represented as our STAFF because NIGGERS teach everyone about NIGGERS for example. If that's what the school wants to do, then more power to the school. We don't want this cool diversity BANNED. "No more fags as a percent of our staff bros. We get no funding. No more fag quota folks. Sorry. The TOP deemed that OUT OF BOUNDS!!! We can't learn what it's like to be born a MAN stuck in a WOMAN body for example and have that viewpoint add to our total understanding of FAGS and NIGGERS bros!!! OK?

Climbing up a Mountain and ground gives way

Raglan Castle, Wales

[US Senate Bill S. 9] Passed Motion of Closure on Bill to Ban Trans Sports Participation

Sumlang Lake, Albay

Neuschwanstein Castle

Elon Musk’s $1 Spending Limit Is Paralyzing Federal Agencies

[Ferrari F40] chilling outside. Alpharetta, Georgia

cost: $2,489,651

Yellow SP3

2024 Ferrari Daytona SP3: $2,226,935

i'm 22 & just got out of the military, rewarded myself with this:

1981 Corvette: $17,343

"Maintenance Bay" - Fanart by me.

Taj Mahal in sunset colors...!!

"...commissioned in 1631 by the fifth Mughal emperor, Shah Jahan (r. 1628–1658) to house the tomb of his beloved wife, Mumtaz Mahal; it also houses the tomb of Shah Jahan himself." [source]

I have a hard time believing this. I bet the four pillars were used to track lightning strikes. This tracking was very important because under every lightning strike is a magnet that can be used to pull up iron. And of course with magnets you can create radio, computers, electricity and everything else created with magnets. Lightning strike tracking was EXTREMELY valuable!!!

Crying statue of Canada at Vimmy, for the cost of war

"The Canadian National Vimy Memorial is a war memorial site in France dedicated to the memory of Canadian Expeditionary Force members killed during the First World War." [source]

Blokovi, Novi Beograd

Macau Street Photography By Yukophotography

Toledo, Spain

Snowfall in Kentucky

Mercury in transit in front of the Sun

"Temperature range: 800 °F to -290 °F [source]
Melting point of iron: 2,800 °F [source]

In other words, you can put a big REFRIGERATION system on the surface of Mercury and survive!!! Then we cool 800 °F air with THAT! We go DOWN into the ground for warmth. I bet you'll find water down there, so your move DOWN to warmth has to account. A SEALED submarine like pod we move DOWN to warmth. I bet you could simply maintain up and down for perfect temperature and live down in the ground, surrounded by mud.

Once we reach the point where this whole construct system just runs itself, then we populate the solar system this way.
Electric SuperCar BYD Yangwang U9

Cost: $230,870



Thanks to Google Images for help finding car prices every day and other content for this website. Their translate software helps me find news in other languages every day. They deserve a Nobel Prize for their contribution to world knowledge, understanding and creating a quicker pace of world improvement.

Their Chromebook also ROCKS bros. I'm REALLY broke right now and these Chromebooks are around $40 and play video great.

Car prices are not necessarily the same YEAR. They're BEST finds.


Science Fiction 
These are GENIUS mind portals.

SPOMENIKS Science Fiction Republic Of Yugoslavia 2/14/2025

Tower 3/4/2025

art2 Fut city ART2 00025 3/3/2025


Velomobiles / Electric Bikes 

The future: elevated, air conditioned electric bike tunnels along the most congested roads.

Yidi 20 inch   

cost: $899.00 [source]
range: 37.28 miles
top speed: 31 mph

The Yidi website has no price. The price is from a slightly different Yidi model.


39% of the U.S. Population Can't Afford $400 
The less money you have, the more likely you are to be a Democrat. [source]

Kalamazoo County, Michigan: "Kalamazoo County recently reported over 1,700 students are experiencing homelessness in 2025, a 30% rise from 2023."

"...a 30% rise from 2023."


Kalamazoo County, Michigan population: 262,215

So homeless are .65% of Kalamazoo County

Our Department of Housing and Urban Development counted 771,480 homeless nationally. This is the same Department of Housing and Urban Development that gives away $3.16 billion To over 7,000 projects as their homeless program. SLOPPY!!! The better way is a NATIONAL homeless program run by ONE entity that is also a cchool to learn how to read and a school to learn how to program. This same school will be a programming school for ANYONE else in the country that wants to learn how to program. When we transition to equal partnerships, this team will be run by our Google Replacement equal partnership that ideally will be a straight PURCHASE of Google. Because we want efficiencies of scale and all computer people under one roof, this will become a Computer ALL group: Google, Nvidia, Broadcom, Qualcomm, Intel, Amd, Google, Microsoft, Apple and all the other TOP players will all be under ONE roof. ONE business that WE run and manage. And this equal partnerships becomes a GLOBAL equal partnership where no country is ever outvoted by another country. Little Japan is never outvoted by the majority. It's a straight SHARE ALL WITH ALL country groups. ALL ideas must be shared with ALL country groups so all groups can take ENTIRE designs and use them, tweak them and then submit their improved designs to the group. Notice we don't FRACTURE into different product lines in this model. The TOP Chinese code is used because it's TOP!!! And we're all vetted with lie detection so we TRUST each other. We TRUST everyone's code, everyone's chip design. Product standards don't diverge into a hodge podge of WHATEVER. We're all using the SAME chips for phones as a standard because THAT design that came from WHEREVER is TOP design!!! It's THE MOST EFFICIENT DESIGN. It's the FASTEST design.

And because we as citizens of the world OWN this Computer All Equal Partnership, WE control the priorities. Our voters, verified by PAPER scan and mail sends determines the direction of these businesses. The EXPERTS can VETO our ideas and of course we won't counter their veto because THEY know whatever was voted up makes no sense cost wise.

ALL governments will transition to this OPEN equal partnership model and we'll finally learn what our military and our FBI have been DOING. We'll know ALL their tools. No murderers are allowed to be members of these groups, meaning we all have to be vetted by our Lie Detection Equal Partnership. Simple.

No SUPER wealthy controlling the direction of these businesses because they have billions and shift the economy around in IDIOTIC ways. We'll have groups that give us information about what goes on in these businesses and we'll be able to BOOT people really quickly. GONE Trump!!! You didn't know what we all learned in school: "if you're born in the United States you are a citizen." is part of our constitution. GONE Biden for your pro strike stance. BYE!!! And ALL you striking union people are ALL fired after we remove the law that allows you to STRIKE. You're unreliable as a worker. We don't CARE for you as a worker. You're ALL fired. BYE! New workforce.

But back to point: 771,480 homeless / 340,110,988 estimate US population = 0.2% of the population while Kalamazoo County is .65% homeless. So Kalamazoo County's homeless figure is 3 times the National Average number created by 7000 recipients, created as condition of their fraction of $3.6 billion Department of Urban Development Funding.

The Wealthy: People Who Run The World.
The more money you have, the more likely you are to be a Republican. [source]
Members of Congress make 12 times the average United States citizen

Movie Trailer: Lake George [originally found here]

Carrie Coon is worth $6 million


For the most noble people on the the planet, who know how to kill and get away with it: Donnie King, CEO of one of the largest slaughter house businesses in the United States, Tyson Foods, lives here: 

5229 Saint Andrews Dr, Fayetteville AR 72704. [source]

Donnie King's total wealth: $11 million


Union Strikes and Related
These actions in the United States will STOP after we repeal section 7 of the National Labor Relations Act.

United Auto Worker's union praises Trump's tariffs 3/4/2025

Because it makes their inferior products economically advantageous. Toyota's better car has an import tax added unfairly. Yes, I'm all for buying U.S. made products.

Law to rescind: "Section 7 of the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) states in part, 'Employees shall have the right. . . to engage in other concerted activities for the purpose of collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection.' Strikes are included among the concerted activities protected for employees by this section." [source]

When we rescind this law, anyone who's ever participated in a strike should be fired.


Other top of the day. To translate: right click and choose translate.

UNRWA announces the enrollment of 260,000 children from the Gaza Strip in the distance learning program 3/4/2025

And you remember these stories: 

More than 12,000 students and 569 teachers were killed during the war on Gaza 3/3/2025

70% of schools in Gaza destroyed or damaged during Israel-Hamas war, ABC News analysis finds 9/11/2024

UNRW: "During the war, nearly 70 percent of the Agency’s schools have been hit, some several times. Some have been flattened, many have been severely damaged. 95 per cent of these schools were being used as shelters for displaced people, among them many children, when they were hit." [source]

UNRW: "The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East ... is a UN agency that supports the relief and human development of Palestinian refugees. UNRWA's mandate encompasses Palestinians who fled or were expelled during the Nakba, the 1948 Palestine War, and subsequent conflicts, as well as their descendants, including legally adopted children. As of 2019, more than 5.6 million Palestinians are registered with UNRWA as refugees." [source]

"Israel blocked the Islamic call to prayer from being broadcast from the Ibrahimi Mosque in occupied Hebron 44 times in February, new figures released by the Palestinian Ministry of Endowments and Religious Affairs show." [source]

Google Maps: Ibrahim Mosque, Gaza

"Egypt has proposed a $53 billion plan to rebuild Gaza over five years, focusing on emergency relief, reconstruction and long-term economic development, according to a draft document seen by AFP." [source]

Egypt's population: 107,304,000

So $53 billion / 107,304,000 = about $493.92 per Egyptian. If the figure of only 60% can afford $400 is universal, this means the real owners of this $53 billion is 60% of Egypt, which is 64,382,400 people. So $53 billion / 64,382,400 = $823.20.

And Egyptians are POOR AS FUCK!! Egypt's GDP per capita is $3457.50, meaning their average SALARY is just that, $3,457.50.

So our cost for 60%, those that can afford to BUY stuff, is $823.20 / $3,457.50 = 24% of a YEAR'S salary in Egypt!

Yes, you can finance this thing, but Egyptians have to OWN what they're buying. You can imagine our Equal Partnership create tool running the entire region. We as Egyptians are now your employer as equal partnership creators who are BROKE!!!! You now work for us! But they're equal partnerships, so there are no large shareholders and small shareholders, so EVENTUALLY, Palestinians can own the business they work for as well and participate in voting.

"Israeli occupation forces penetrated the town of Umm Batna in the central Quneitra" [source]

Google Maps: Umm Batnah

Egyptian President Sisi meets with Emir of Terrorist Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham 3/4/2025

"Τhe organisation was designated a terrorist group by United Nations Security Council Resolution 2254, which classified the group's precursor, Al-Nusra Front."

Also designated a terrorist group by the United States


Yemen: Houthi announces downing of US drone in Hodeidah airspace, western Yemen 3/4/2025

 Google Maps: Al Hudaydah

"The Houthis have carried out more than 100 attacks on ships since November 2023 and have sunk two vessels, seized another and killed at least four seafarers." [source]

Houthi militia kidnaps a member of the Writers and Authors Union in Dhamar 3/4/2025


List: Somali Ship Hijackings (Across from Yemen)

"Piracy impeded the delivery of shipments and increased shipping expenses, costing an estimated $6.6-$6.9 billion a year in global trade according to Oceans Beyond Piracy (OBP)." [source]

"A shipment of 4547 Patriot Edition Whiskey, valued at $250,000, was hijacked at a dock in California...." [source] 2/26/2025

"...shipment has been recovered...." [source]

Yemen: Houthis target US destroyer for third time in three months 3/4/2025

Yemen: Marib.. Houthi shelling targets army site 3/4/2025

Google Maps: Marib, Yemen

MASAM project was able to dismantle and remove 2,817 mines. 3/4/2025

"Project Masam is a multilateral humanitarian land mine clearance project in Yemen launched by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in June 2018." [source]

For new people: Saudi Arabia is run by murderers who robbed their citizens of $800 billion and own the largest oil refinery in the United States. Saudi Arabia buys massive weapons from the United States and Europe. One of their projects: The Line, is a 105 mile long skyscraper. Women were not allowed the right to vote until 2015.

Donald Trump's Undersecretary of Defense, Stephen Feinberg owns Cerberus Capital Management. Cerberus Capital owns a company that provided training to members of the Saudi Arabian hit squad that murdered Washington Post journalist Jamal Kashoggi in the Saudi Arabian embassy in Turkey. [source 1] [source 2]

Yemen: Houthi militia announces strict punitive measures against its members who brutally assaulted an Ethiopian resident in Dhamar 3/4/2025

Yemen: Houthi militia closes historic mosque in Ibb for undisclosed reasons 3/4/2025

Google Maps: Ibb, Yemen

Yemen: Houthis threaten to punish Starlink users in areas under their control in Yemen 3/4/2025

Trump Halts Arms Shipments to Ukraine 3/4/2025

M23 Rebels Abduct Scores of Patients from Hospitals in DRC’s Goma 3/4/2025

The Prime Minister of DRC is Socialist ally. [source]

Senate GOP Confirms Linda McMahon as Education Sec. Amid Threats to Public Education

Linda McMahon's total wealth: $3 billion

ACLU Sues Trump Administration over Transfer of Immigrants to Guantánamo 3/4/2025

Pentagon Suspends U.S. Cyber Operations Targeting Russia 3/4/2025

US approves $95 million in aid for Lebanese army 3/4/2025

10 Facts About U.S. Catholics 3/4/2025

47% of the population is a member of a Church.

72% of the population is a member of a religion.

99.6% of Congress is a member of a religion. Estimate.

I added up Humanist 1, Unaffiliated 1, Don't know / refused 18 to get 20. Then divide by total Congress count of 535 to equal about 0.037 which is 3.7%. This is our Unaligned or don't answer membership of Congress. So 100 - 3.7 = 96.3% who are MEMBERS of a religion. I bet those who chose not to answer are members of a religion, which makes it 2/535 = 0.4% who are unaligned. So 100 - 0.4% = 99.6% who are members of a religion.

So we're WAY over represented by religious people who are 12 times as wealthy as we. In other words only 47% of the population is not a member of a Church but still hold their religious identity at a level of 72%.

Europe's Biggest Battery Powered Up In Scotland 3/4/2025

NASA Photo Captures Sound Barrier Being Broken 3/4/2025

TSMC Pledges To Spend $100 Billion On US Chip Facilities 3/3/2025

"...has received up to $6.6 billion in grants from the CHIPS Act...." 

Blender-Rendered Movie 'Flow' Wins Oscar for Best Animated Feature, Beating Pixar

Trailer: Flow

"Blender is a free and open-source 3D computer graphics software tool set that runs on Windows, macOS, BSD, Haiku, IRIX and Linux. It is used for creating animated films, visual effects, art, 3D-printed models, motion graphics, interactive 3D applications, and virtual reality. It is also used in creating video games." [source]

"City-killer" asteroid now more likely to strike the Moon 3/4/2025

"...risen from 0.3% to 1.2%...."

Serbia: Smoke Bombs Thrown, MPs Brawl in Serbian Parliament Amid Protest Crisis 3/4/2025

Israel: Brawl breaks out in Israeli Parliament 3/4/2025

Another source.

"The National Union of Press Workers (SNTP) denounced on Tuesday, March 4, the arrest of crime reporter Román Camacho by officials of the Bolivarian National Intelligence Service" [source]

Venezuela: Communal council spokesperson was shot dead at a costume party 3/4/2025

Columbia: Risaralda Governor's official was murdered on a public bus: authorities offer reward 3/4/2025



Fired For An Email To Jeff Bezos 
Unlit Earth Equal Profit BOOK and T-Shirt that might get you fired.

ADD YOUR STORY to a BOOK of Amazon stories we all share the profit of.

Unlit Earth 1 was hacked (gov access hacker)


Mind Master Stuff
A 14 page Book I wrote: Mind Masters and Matter Waves - Korean Translation - Spanish
You can buy a hard copy of this book for $14.49

If you know anyone who can turn this book into a movie, GENIUS!

Become a contributor of Best of Mind Talents and Altered Reality. Another equal profit book.

Password Idea: [memorized bit] + [random characters you print out] (make COPIES!)
Random characters as your email is more difficult for mind pickers.
You can also use a QR code scanner to extend your memorized password with random characters.

How to leak: use a go between. "Hey I need you to mail this for me." to someone you don't know.

My BOOK, 30 pages: Mind Masters and Matter Waves ($0.00)



Antarctica Matter Route
After all the ice melts: map. Sea levels will rise 3-6.6 feet by 2100 [source]
Largest Ice Sheet in Antarctica:1.4 miles thick. It is the largest ice sheet on the entire planet. [source]
"Some of the ice in Antarctica is thousands of years old and hundreds of feet thick." [source]

Video: Antarctica Whale Skeleton

Antarctica: 6 °F (at time of writing)

Freezing Point of 40 Proof Alcohol: 22 °F [source

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